For lack of an intelligent blog entry (I know, shocker), tonight I want to share the joy that is a pastrami sammich from Primanti’s.
Out-of-towners don’t understand why we call the restaurant “Permanees” — it’s because when you’ve got a hunk o’ meat, smothered with fries, cheese, tomato and cole slaw in your mouth, you can’t talk right!
It’s funny — I was at my favorite little deli on M Street the other weekend, debating which sammich to get (hot pastrami, duh — why do I even read the menu?) when the woman in front of me was ordering the same sammich I wanted.
But … she was horrified at the thought of cole slaw being on it. HORRIFIED! Piss, moan, wah wah waaaahh. GAWD.
Now you know me — I can’t shut my trap to save my life. I mused aloud that she must never have traveled above the Mason-Dixon Line in her life, because I personally thought the sammich was missing something — where were the FRIES?!?!
I guess she was classy or something (or can afford to have someone feed her — I know I’m out of my league in this ‘hood) because she said, “Well, I’d NEVER.”
That’s the thing, people. Unless you put fries on it, it ain’t a salad. And if you don’t put fries and slaw on it, it ain’t a sammich. Anything else is a plain ‘ol sandwich, and who the hell wants anything normal, boring and average?