Goddess’ vacation adventure, the sequel

November 16th, 2006, 11:16 PM by Goddess

So my vacation turned into a working one. Which is fine but after staying up into the wee hours to catch up, I awakened to a phone call with more work. 🙂 And when I checked out of my first hotel, I got another call with more work! Yay for the business center, as I was trapped in a homeless purgatory before I could check into my second hotel. But after that, I was free and have walked miles, spent lots of money I shouldn’t have and cleared my head quite happily. Fow now, anyway!

But boy, I’m having a blast — even though I’m incoherent and insane right about now. I’ve met a fantastic array of people. The fun thing for me about traveling alone is that I have no problem striking up conversations with people on planes, in stores and in restaurants. I even came across Mamie at National Airport again!

I am in a great hotel with a tub that’s as deep as a Pennsylvania snowstorm. (Or a D.C. flood. Gah.) There are a bajillion other amenities, but my time left is too brief to partake in much other than great restaurants, which is definitely the one thing I always make sure to do when I’m out of town — eat well! (And I bought a pack of chocolate-flavored cigarettes. *blush* Nonsmoking room? Not in my world. 😉 )

And BOY did I get a lecture from the gal who sold them to me! How the hell do you work in a smoke shop and be a militant nonsmoker? I only do it once a year, damn it — don’t annoy me!

In any event, I just ran into a familiar face in the lobby and if I can stay awake (and it’s pushing it at this point) I will have dinner plans. So hooray for that, although the lure of room service and a hot toddy are almost more than I can bear. … 😉

Just kidding — got the call to go for drinks and appetizers. I? Am SO There!!!!

‘Um, yeah, you are not going to be allowed on that plane’

November 16th, 2006, 12:49 AM by Goddess

Oy friggin’ vey.

So I was to catch a plane at the crack o’ moi this morning. But DUMBASS (dat’d be me) decided to start from work and not from a location within a stone’s throw of the airport, and I hit every GD traffic snag possible. Even on the back roads!


And then … the airport? Ran out of parking! Whee!


So the car? Is somewhere. Possibly in Virginia. Could be Maryland. Hell, it might be in the fucking Potomac River or an impound lot when I get back to town.

But Ze Plane? Came and WENT.

Yup, without me.


I got to the airport not 20 minutes before takeoff. Which meant no fucking way in hell was I going to be allowed on the plane. Which meant that my 2 p.m. arrival on the West Coast? Turned into 10 p.m. (Eastern) because:

1. I had to sit at the airport to wait for a flight to Philly. (A 22-minute flight from D.C. that took two hours to wait for. Joy!)
2. A four-hour layover in Philly.

Now, I know I have friends up there (I also hear it’s a good place to pretend to live in), but I ended up checking out mentally, shopping, doing some work and parking my ass at the bar at TGI Friday’s, where THANK GOD I had hours to kill because the incompetence was out of control. The only reason I left a tip was because a guy who was not my server kept me entertained and flirted with me, although he did take a break from it when a prettier girl sat down next to me at the bar. (Grrr!)

In any event, I waited longer for a taxi at my destination that it would have taken me to walk to the hotel from the airport, but I haven’t slept in days and am slightly delirious and not overly confident of my sense of direction. Or sense in general, for that matter.

I wanted to partake of some nightlife today but I believe I need to finish the project that I meant to start seven hours ago for work and then we’ll see about entertaining myself. Hell, sleep can wait till TOMORROW!!!

You know what kills me, though? That the only flight that was on time today WAS THE ONE I MISSED!!! There was a half-hour delay from D.C. to Philly and again from Philly to my undisclosed location right now.

It’s cool, though. I mean, would I rather be in D.C., indoors? Oh hell naw.

But there was good news today. I saw my direct deposit statement this morning and it’s a tad higher than usual. I wasn’t thinking the raise thingy would take effect so soon, but hey, I’m taken care of and I’m happy about that.

But you — the gubmint? Give me back my raise! MINE, YOU HEAR ME? MINE!!! I don’t see you putting in those extra hours, so give it BACK!!!

In any event, greetings from wherever I am, and enjoy the rest of your week! Thanks for all the well wishes — they must be working, so keep ’em comin’! 😉