You can’t afford me

January 13th, 2007, 4:58 PM by Goddess

Stole this from Swirl:

If you had to pay for your sins, and the going rate was as stated, how much would you have to pay to pay for all your wrong doings??

Smoked pot — $10
Did acid — $5
Ever had sex at church — $25
Woke up in the morning and did not know the person who was next to you — $40
Had sex with someone on MySpace — $25
Had sex for money — $100
Ever had sex with a Puerto Rican — $20
Vandalized something — $20
Had sex on your parents’ bed — $10
Beat up someone — $20
Been jumped — $10
Crossed dressed — $10
Given money to stripper — $25
Been in love with a stripper — $20
Kissed some one who’s name you didn’t know — $0.10
Hit on some one of the same sex while at work — $15
Ever drive drunk — $20
Ever got drunk at work, or went to work while still drunk — $50
Used toys while having sex — $30
Got drunk, passed and don’t remember the night before — $20
Went skinny dipping — $5
Had sex in a pool — $20
Kissed someone of the same sex — $10
Had sex with someone of the same sex — $20
Cheated on your significant other — $10
Masturbated — $10
Cheated on your significant other with their relative or close friend — $20
Done oral — $5
Got oral — $5
Done / got oral in a car while it was moving — $25
Stole something — $10
Had sex with someone in jail — $25
Made a nasty home video — $15
Had a threesome — $50
Had sex in the wild — $20
Been in the same room while someone was having sex — $25
Stole something worth over more than a hundred dollars — $20
Had sex with someone 10 years older — $20
Had sex with someone under 21 and you are over 27 — $25
Been in love with two people or more at the same time — $50
Said you love someone but didn’t mean it — $25
Went streaking — $5
Went streaking in broad daylight — $15
Been arrested — $5
Spent time in jail — $15
Peed in the pool — $0.50
Played spin the bottle — $5
Done something you regret — $20
Had sex with your best friend — $20
Had sex with someone you work with at work — $25
Had anal sex — $80
Lied to your mate — $5
Lied to your mate about the sex being good — $25

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On the road again (and again)

January 13th, 2007, 4:28 PM by Goddess

So far, my lone new year’s resolution to start smoking again is going swimmingly. Yes! I know, it was a shitty goal, but guess what? I’ve stuck to it! Damn $6-a-pack cherry-flavored cigarettes!

I tried very hard to stay awake last night to work, but I fell asleep in the chair next to my computer with cell phone in-hand, and didn’t open my eyes till 7 a.m. (I was at home, thank God!) There’s some rare strain of typhoid going around at work, and I haven’t caught it, but I sure feel run-down and icky.

Speaking of ick, I saw some apartments today. I have a lot to think about, as in whether to leave D.C. proper and go back to Virginia or up to Maryland to get a better price on more space. And I found out that my own apartment management, which has been useless insofar as helping me to upgrade to a different unit (they have no clue about tenant retention), charged me some not only unnecessary, but also illegal, fees. Besides that, they threatened to take away my rent special to move within the building before the lease is up. Huh!?! I am so leaving this place. But damn, it really is the prettiest apartment I’ve ever lived in. 🙁

I liked one place I saw, but the only downside is that it’s in Silver Spring, which isn’t sitting right with me at this moment for various reasons. I walked in and loved almost everything and saw three signs that in a normal world would have convinced me that this is the place for me. But maybe it was that the apartment was too small for the price, as my thought was a big fat “Enh” as I walked away with application papers not submitted.

I loved the property manager, though, and we were having a fine discussion about planning events for residents, which I would LOVE to do to meet people in a new neighborhood. Then again, I had hit it off with my accounts manager here, and she can’t even have the decency to call me back whenever I leave a message.

I’m looking at what’s called “roommate-style” 2BRs, with a bedroom and bathroom on each end and a common area in the middle. That makes for tiny living rooms, unfortunately, but I would bet that this type of setup would have helped me to actually be a better roommate to others with whom I’ve shared quarters in the past. I’m too set in my ways to deal with someone I’m not sleeping with, and even then, I’m still pretty hard to get along with!

The manager had said the privacy factor to that setup is perfect — that I can have guests and Mom wouldn’t be asking who I have in my room. 😉 Hell, I told her I’m more worried about walking into her room and seeing someone strange instead!!!