I was just plotting out a huge password-protected entry about work, titled “I pay for an apartment why?”, but then I realized that I’d given my password to people there. Oops. 😉 Instead, I shall keep working talk about something else!
So, thanks to Isaiah Washington’s piss-poor behavior at the Golden Globes (beyond his inappropriate comments on the set of “Grey’s Anatomy” toward T.R. Knight — way to outdo yourself, moron), there’s an online petition to get him fired.
It was only a matter of time, I guess, before the petition started. But what’s interesting is that, if he were a desk monkey like the rest of us, his ass would’ve been slapped with a sexual-harassment lawsuit faster than you can say “hostile work environment.” As a manager, I’d have had him escorted to the door and hit him in his ass with it.
My mind boggles at how people of a certain age and maybe even stature have no class whatsoever. I meet people who seem to think that they’re so much better than me and they’re entitled to so much more because they’re a little bit older or they think they’re smarter.
Yeah, if the only person who’s impressed with you, oh, IS you, here’s your sign!
Sabre did a great post “On Narcissim and Entitlement,” and the sad thing is? The people who could benefit from that big mirror in front of their faces are the most likely to miss the message that should be tattooed to their widdle foreheads.
A highlight:
“The pathological narcissist believes that they are superior to almost everyone else. They often have a very rich fantasy life filled with visions of unlimited success, brilliance, superior insight, etc. The narcissist believes that he is special, unique, and should be admired for his excellence (niceguyTM syndrome, anyone?) Two of the most telling traits are an overblown sense of entitlement (extremely unreasonable expectations of automatic compliance with their, usually, unreasonable demands) and a lack of empathy. The inability to see how their actions, or inactions, affect others is a very telling sign of the deep-seated issues they suffer from.”
Can I get an amen? Testify!
I don’t care what happens to Isaiah. I really don’t. They could kill off his character on “Grey’s” or they can make him a hero. Either way, it doesn’t affect me. I don’t think much of him and wouldn’t break bread with him if given the opportunity, but his “celebrity” status affords him the ability to live by a different set of rules than the rest of us, and it’s the people who sign his paycheck who have to live with his actions and the repercussions they may cost the show and the network.
I was saying to my friend the other day how Alzheimer’s will probably be cured before stupidity, and she took the contrarian view — that stupidity will be cured before anything else, and we will keep idiots alive forever and let useful people slip away from this world.
It’s interesting, the power of epithets. But they can only have power if you GIVE them power. I’m not saying that Isaiah shouldn’t go into anger-management classes (I read that he’s in counseling. BFD), but you can’t teach somebody to be a better person. I’ve tried setting an example for others. I’ve waited. I’ve even prayed to become a better person myself.
You can only change yourself. And if he didn’t voluntarily seek help — as though there is any therapist in this world who can teach couth — meaning, if ABC forced him into it, he’ll just be an asshole with a therapy bill.
I walked away from a relationship because of a stupid, careless, racist comment. Granted, the relationship, as it were, wasn’t worth saving, but I was on the fence about how much bullshit I was willing to forgive, and that answered that.
It occurred to me that I’d just been disrespected for the last time. Even if it wasn’t aimed at me, it was still a recurring theme.
I don’t want to introduce people I care about to people like that. You can’t fly with the eagles if you run with turkeys.
So, Isaiah, I think Sabre said it best when she wrapped up her post that reminded me so much of so many people, you included:
“How do you deal with people who honestly believe that they are so above the rest of us that they don’t have to live by the same rules as we do?”
You don’t. Like the old Poe song (“Trigger Happy Jack”) that my friends and I used to sing so vociferously about someone who totally deserved it:
“You can’t talk to a psycho
Like a normal human being!”