That Kind of Day

January 4th, 2007, 10:14 PM by Goddess

That Kind of Day

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn.

This is tonight’s dinner. It took less than a half-hour to empty that botte o’ bloody. It was what we call “one of those days” at work, but given how many people there read this site, let’s just say that thanks to my friend Skyy, I’m better now. 😉

The good thing about my team being (formerly) all men was that when it was “a day” in my world, I could just shut off the lights and everyone knew to stay the hell away from me. But at the risk of TMI, I haven’t had a cycle in four months (stress!) and today, now that it started, I find that the now-predominantly-female team is all on the same cycle. Whee!

The other “red” thing in the hacienda, a box of cherry-flavored cigarettes I grabbed to reward myself, are NOT in view. I promised to start smoking again for New Year’s — again, it’s all about the obtainable goals!

Bloody HELL!!!

The only circus I’m running off to is the casino in Vegas

January 4th, 2007, 6:09 PM by Goddess

I know the first day of a new year is an arbitrary date, an artificial separation of a 12-month cyclone and an upcoming, new, glorious, wondrous, hope-filled era.

My “new year” to-dos usually spring forth on my birthdays, or on Feb. 1. I figure, if I’m incapable of writing the correct year on my rent check or in the timely stuff I do for work, who am I to stick to a resolution to get my shit together?

That said, this year feels different from the last one already. It started off “right,” I guess. And I want it to continue that way. To that end, I do have some goals — loose ones, as I know I would rather surpass expectations than fail to live up to them. Or at least if I don’t meet them, I really don’t have far to fall!

1. Mentor someone. I am 32 going on 86, some days. Might as well save some others the hard knocks I’ve suffered. I have two people in mind and one is even willing to submit benefit from it.

2. Volunteer. Outside of the mentoring, of course. One day or one project, TBD.

3. Take a class. Either a one-day business class or a series of yoga classes. I don’t know. I need “me” time and I’ll be better about honoring it this year.

4. Publish one freelance article. One. I set such a huge goal in 2006, and I felt terrible not living up to it. If I get one out of my system, whee if momentum should follow.

5. I had suggested such achievable goals as joining the circus, getting committed to the loony bin or getting back to smoking a pack a week, but my friends have redirected me appropriately to note that: A. Why do I have to run away to be in the circus, as am I not already there? B. Either drive someone else nuts and/or get THEM committed. (Or, see letter A.) and C. Drinking more red wine is much healthier for the heart.

So there you have it. I’d ask what your resolutions are, but hah, guess who turned off the commenting feature? 😉

Protected: Ephemera, or a tangible gift?

January 3rd, 2007, 2:35 PM by Goddess

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Perhaps ‘Recipient Cares’ is a better receipt to request

January 2nd, 2007, 5:54 PM by Goddess

There is little that irritates me more than people who request a “read receipt” on their e-mails. I open them, read them and keep them open till I can take action on them. Then the GD PC (I think “GDPC” should be in the dictionary) crashes and I lose the 45 open e-mails and they go unattended anyway. So, a fat lot of good it does you to know I actually opened what you sent!

It’s all about the obtainable

January 2nd, 2007, 5:07 PM by Goddess

In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Have at least one orgasm per hour.

Get your resolution here.


January 1st, 2007, 5:18 PM by Goddess

If what “they” say about how you ring in your new year holds true, then I’ll be surrounded by friends, love, happiness, vino and maybe even a little luck. We’re all overdue for a whopping dose of each.

Happy New Year, y’all! *kicks 2006 to the curb*