I got some expensive dental work done today, and I forgot how little my insurance actually covers. So when they told me what I needed to pay and asked how I’d be paying for it, my response was, “With wishes and dreams.” Seriously. My one tooth is worth a year’s worth of car payments so far, and it ain’t even done yet! Next step is the crown, and for what it costs, I could get a REAL one for my head!!!
Goddess. Empress. Princess. Pick your deity — I’m paying for the crown
February 7th, 2007, 4:54 PM by GoddessOne more day
February 7th, 2007, 9:44 AM by Goddess“The greatest words I never heard
I guess I’ll never hear
The man I thought could never die
Has been dead almost a year.”— Reba McEntire, “Greatest Man I Never Knew”
I’ve refrained from posting about last week’s “Grey’s Anatomy” because the the episode was another one that made me swoon and yet make me want to slit my wrists, all at the same time.