Happy enough

February 10th, 2007, 4:27 PM by Goddess

I think it’s safe to say that I have officially seen every apartment within a five-mile radius of the one I currently occupy. Maybe a 10-mile radius. Jeez.

I had called this one place when I moved last year, and the guy was such a dick on the phone, I refused to see it based on his rudeness. I called back this year and loved the guy on the phone, so I made an appointment for today. I showed up for it and OMG, perhaps this was the dick from last year. He said I didn’t have an appointment. (Fucker couldn’t speak English — no wonder he couldn’t find my name in the computer, ’cause I KNOW he didn’t type it right after I spelled it four times.) Then he tossed a brochure at me and wished me well. I asked if I could at least see a unit, but he told me nope — couldn’t. It was like pulling teeth to learn that the model was only a 1BR, at which point I said, “You know? I don’t want to see it anyway.”

To say I was upset was an understatement. For what they charge per month, they should have fed me bon-bons and given me a foot massage. But alas, it was a sign to keep running, since I wasn’t smart enough to do it in the first place.

Alas, I saw more places, and stopped when I found the one I love. A little pricey but not as much as 95% of the places I’ve seen. It was cheaper because I have to pick up more utilities, but that I can at least spread the wealth over two paychecks and not just part with one in its entirety, we’ll call it a plus.

Not to mention, it’s so close to where I live, I can do most of the move myself and maybe recruit some unfortunate souls for furniture transport. *bats lashes*

It feels good to know that I have a plan again. And that maybe next year, I’ll get my laptop as I will hopefully NOT be moving again!

It’s weird because I realized how much I need a friend right now. I have good friends, but everyone’s got a million things going on and I try not to take up too much (if any) of anyone’s time. I date here and there and maybe even more “there” than “here” lately, and I try to just be on my best behavior and not let them know that I’m as real as it gets. I’m usually cool and laid-back but I do get riled up and need for them to understand that I don’t want to be hiding the 10% of me that I don’t let them see.

Bottom line, I just need a few minutes here or there to rant and maybe even cry, so I can get back to normal. And I guess that’s why I blog, because I let perfect strangers become more intimate with me than anyone whose flesh I could reach out and actually touch.

I felt really bad today because I used my mom as that person — I admitted I was scared I couldn’t afford this or do this or take another minute of drama because I am going to collapse because I’m so afraid Im going to do all of this and regret whatever decisions I make. So of course she took it as me not wanting to “inherit” her and thus leaving her destitute. *sigh*

You know, I don’t have kids. I don’t want to have to filter myself and pretend everything’s OK or that it’s going to be eventually. I want to say what’s on my mind so I can get it OFF my mind and move on to the next thing. But I guess it’s like being a parent or being at work — you just have to grit your teeth and quietly flip people off from behind the safety of a closed door. 😉

In any event, the new apartment building keeps me in D.C. (huzzah!) and I am sure this one won’t reject me the way the last one did. I feel like the shitkicker has been removed from atop my trachea — I feel like I can make plans and be all right. Besides, I walked in and two good-looking gay men were running the show, and I felt right at home.

And that’s what I’ve been waiting to feel all along.

It’s not perfect, or anywhere close, but at this point, I’ll gladly take “happy enough.”


February 10th, 2007, 8:39 AM by Goddess

I just got an e-mail from BonJovi.com, filled with Valentine’s Day gift ideas. And isn’t it stupid that I’m the asshole who’s the FAN who gets the e-mail, when it should be all those who are enamored by me who should be getting the gift ideas?

In any event, this would fill my heart (and perhaps my scandalous skivvies) with joy:

I’d also take the chocolate bark, the teddy bear or oral sex from Jon himself. (I don’t see it in the Web store, but a girl can dream!)