Playing hooky
March 30th, 2007, 3:56 PM by GoddessIt’s one of those rare days in which I have nothing to post because nothing’s going on, instead of just keeping stuff to myself. Ran a million errands and am getting ready for a big night ahead. It’s a gorgeous day in the metro D.C. area, and I’m enjoying it. Sad to say, that’s what passes for big news ’round these parts! 😉
My niece just got a toy cell phone, and at age 3, she’s wise beyond her years. My friend (her mom) always greets me a certain way, and now when her daughter plays with her phone, she answers it just like her, pretending that I’m the one calling her. How cute is that?
They sing a goodnight song whenever she’s getting ready for bed. And they have to sing goodnight to about 40 billion people, as that’s how the song goes. So she woke up one night and wanted the song sung to her, but my friend said, “Immediate family only, kiddo,” just to cut down on the time it takes. So they sang goodnight to just the people in the house, but my niece wasn’t satisfied with that. “Mommy,” she implored, “Aunt Goddess is part of our family!”
Is it any wonder I send her tons of presents? She just earned a whole new batch. … 😉
Oh happy day!
March 29th, 2007, 3:12 PM by GoddessSo much good news today, I can’t even begin to type it all. Busy, busy, and happy happy! 🙂
Dear Stars,
Thank you for aligning.
Missing margarita night :(
March 28th, 2007, 4:50 PM by GoddessGod damn it.
I’m not going to make it to Alexandria in the next 45 minutes, no matter how fast I can drive, ’cause the to-do list is longer than there are hours in the day. That’s OK, though — I’m ready to start drinking right where I’m sitting! 😉
So, cheers to Tiff, who starts her new job tomorrow!
And, hell, cheers to me — I have oft wondered whether certain people in companies were held to higher standards than others. Today? It seems to be confirmed. I find I don’t send work to people who piss me off, annoy me, whine to me, ignore me or otherwise just frustrate me. But people like me who just do the damn assignments (and do them well or, at least, add something creative — or at least something non-obnoxious, — to the process) just get more work. But really, really good work.
Not complaining — just observing. And enjoying the chance to shine, of course! Because it will lead to bigger opportunities and more pay with which to buy tequila. By the case. 😉
Scent of a man
March 28th, 2007, 1:01 PM by GoddessMy olfactory nerves are always in tip-top shape, as I don’t miss a scent. It’s usually a good thing. (Let’s leave it at that, but it’s the reason why I only venture to the ladies’ room twice in a 14-hour shift!)
In any event, we just had a meeting with someone today, and holy crap, I can still smell his cologne on me. *yum* It’s funny how a good bottle of cologne can turn someone who might not normally capture your attention into someone whose leg you could very well start dry-humping if you weren’t exercising your very last ounce of self-restraint. 😉
And did I mention I got two hugs and two kisses out of it? 😉 I ain’t complainin’! Now I can sniff my shirt for the rest of the day and be a happy girl. …
Not homeless anymore
March 28th, 2007, 9:44 AM by GoddessSigned my lease.
Note to self: The model apartments are always WAY nicer than the one you end up getting.
I still like it better than everything else I saw, but still, you want HOW MUCH for THAT?!?!
At least they’re replacing the balcony door. That was kind of gross, so bad that I asked to be downgraded to a unit without one.
I didn’t sleep last night — I was up working at 2:30 a.m. I look so forward to this part of my life just moving along quickly and me actually being able to close my eyes and just get a real rest for a change.
I know, I should be overjoyed right now, but that’s pushing it. Happy is fine. Happy, I can do. Just as soon as the headache pills kick in!
Random theater: standing-room only
March 27th, 2007, 7:35 PM by GoddessBecause I have no bullets to use on anyone else, I’m just going to go for the bulleted list of crap today.
Speaking of crap:
- Maddie? Not only shit all over the house but she also pissed all over the kitchen floor. And it’s a big fucking kitchen. I have three — THREE — litterboxes in there, arranged in an L shape. She pissed in the L. I hate her
- I accidentally left a big steaming bag of cat crap outside my apartment door today. I meant to take it to the trash area, but I forgot. Twelve hours after I left the house this morning, it was sitting there, stinking up the hallway. My neighbors must be overjoyed. Oh well — they’re almost rid of me!
- Clothing manufactuers are on my shit list today. Just because you have to make the pants wider to fit pudgy pork roast asses like mine, does not mean you need to make them LONGER. I look like a goddamned hobo with all my pants dragging on the floor. I have to wear hooker heels to pull them off, but when I change into sneakers at the end of the day, they drag on the ground. Classy.
- Why won’t this fucking apartment just pack itself?
- Who was the mastermind who put so much responsibility in my hands at work? I’m loving it, but I’m doing big stuff — like, stuff that impacts the future revenue stream of the company. Are you people HIGH?
- You know what’s a great feeling? Letting destiny take its course. And trusting it.
- “Grey’s Anatomy” and “American Idol” — I love them because they both make me squirm sometimes. That final scene with George and Izzie in the linen closet, with no words exchanged at all? *swoon* He’s no Denny, but to have that person who means everything to you — even if they can’t BE everything to you … *sigh* Good TV. And I’m even starting to love to hate Sanjaya — at this point, I want him on the show so I can throw things at the TV and take out the day’s aggressions!
- Why I love summer weather: Ice cream for dinner isn’t just a good idea; it’s the only thing in the fridge!
Woo hoo!
March 27th, 2007, 3:51 PM by GoddessSigning my lease tomorrow. Yee-haw!
Met with an awesome, awesome gal today. I had her autograph her book for my boss, but she inscribed to to me instead. 🙂
After all the idiots you have to put up with in this world, it rocks to click and have magic and feel like you’ve known someone your whole life just after one conversation.
As she wrote, “Here’s to a long and profitable relationship together.”
Amen, sister. Amen.