
March 17th, 2007, 9:03 PM by Goddess

Happy Paddy’s Day! I haven’t had this much to drink since my friend Shan still lived in town and we’d go drown our sorrows every night after work. *hic* Did the drinking thing, a charity-bowling thing (I suck, and not just what girls normally suck!) and, surprise, more drinking! Lord.

It occurs to me that I don’t drink often, but when I do? It’s to forget being born. I don’t necessarily think I made a mistake, but I do admit to wondering when the fuck I’m going to start injecting logic (and, perhaps, REALITY) into my decision-making.

In any event, it was a TERRIFIC day. I just hate how staring into the bottom of a beer pitcher glass makes me question everything I say, do, think and feel.

In interesting news, I just got a call from someone who makes me happy. Whether it’s the beginning of something beautiful or simply just someone who “Gets” me enough to put up with me for awhile, it’s all good.

Sometimes doors close and the draft blows open a window. And sometimes, you’ve just got to barricade the door to keep it from becoming hermetically sealed.

I don’t know what I’m doing anymore, but perhaps not drinking and smoking, at least for tonight, is a real fine place to start. … 😉


March 17th, 2007, 8:47 AM by Goddess

So I’m late to the party with this, but I was sort of drunk while I was watching it, but OMIGOD, Izzie slept with George! Seriously!!!

I had to admit I was rooting for Alex and Izzie to get back together, as he’s turned out to be human and, well, she’s a lonely girl. And we all know how frustrated we become after we haven’t gotten any for awhie. 😉 And there he is, living in the house now — yeah, in George’s old room but still, a girl wouldn’t turn away a hot guy who happens to be in the proximity. (Admittedly, I really want to see Alex and Addison together, but if Addison’s getting her own show — um, squee! — I doubt they’d do that “90210”/”Melrose” show crossover thing.)

In any event, I don’t love losing Addison from the show. Of everyone on that show that I have a crush on, I think she’s the clear winner.

However it ends up for any of them, the best line from the Grey’s Writer’s blog was that “Maybe the best relationship you’ll ever have … you’re already having.”

And yes, it’s sad that I check in more on these characters than I do on my own friends. 😉 But hey, they’re my standing Thursday night date!