The bright side, perhaps

March 21st, 2007, 7:53 PM by Goddess

Would you agree that it’s inappropriate (and borderline sexual harassment) to see a new employee on your floor and exclaim, “Hel-lo — who is THAT?!?!” while they’re standing two feet from you? Heh. Whatever — always nice to have some new eye candy!

Also! A psychic vision came true today! I swore to God that I’d had a conversation with a colleague before. She looked at me like I’m nuts and said, no, we’ve never discussed this issue. I said yes we did and solved the problem she presented to me, just like I had done in the vision. Not a huge deal, of course, but maybe I’m not so broken after all. I’ll call it a victory — I take those wherever I can get them.

Whatever you’re wondering, the answer is probably yes

March 21st, 2007, 4:36 PM by Goddess

It’s amazing, the follow-up questions I get to my cryptic blog posts, especially of late. 😉 Oh, if you only knew. … I assure you, the “real” stories are a lot more interesting than the existentially dramatic way I present them! But I’m sure, years down the road, I’ll laugh at how melodramatic I made things seem. I hope, anyway.

My friend D. looked at me today and said she can tell I’m sad, but luckily it’s just through my writing and not through my presentation. And that made me even sadder, like I’m crying out and screaming for help and not a soul would think that I was anything much less than fine.

But I don’t want to cry over the current bag of flaming cat crap that life has become. I mean, come on already — don’t I have better things to do? Looking at my ever-growing to-do list at work and at home, there’s no time to break down. And I consider that a good thing.

Rather than boo-hoo over things that have moved beyond my control (even if I did have some power over them at some point before), when the good things that keep eluding me finally come my way, I want everyone to say, “Damn, it’s about time!” instead of, “Why does she deserve all that glory and bounty and uber-fabulousness that is raining upon her?”

Like my mom says, don’t ever look back. Or, at least, don’t ever let anyone catch you, if you do.

Make a memory

March 21st, 2007, 7:39 AM by Goddess

It’s only been out a day and I’ve got the lyrics memorized. Stream Bon Jovi’s new song here. I swear, I fall in love with JBJ even more with every passing year. Why can’t I get a guy like this? 😉

“Hello again
It’s you and me
Kinda always like it always used to be
Sipping wine
Killing time
Trying to solve life’s mysteries

How’s your life
It’s been awhile
God, it’s good to see you smile
I see you reaching for your keys
Looking for a reason not to leave

If you don’t know
If you should stay
If you don’t say
What’s on your mind
Baby just breathe
There’s no where else tonight
We should be
You want to make a memory

I dug up this old photograph
Look at all that hair we had
It’s bittersweet to hear you laugh
Your phone is ringing
I don’t want to ask

If you go now
I’ll understand
If you stay, hey
I got a plan
We’re going to make a memory

You want to steal a piece of time
You can sing the melody
To me
And I can write a couple lines
You want to make a memory

If you don’t know
If you should stay
And you don’t say
What’s on your mind
Baby just breathe
There’s nowhere else in life
We should be
You want to make a memory

Do you want to make a memory?”

Bon Jovi, “(You Want to) Make a Memory”