Code this

April 9th, 2007, 9:55 PM by Goddess

Everyone’s abuzz about the proposed Bloggers Code of Conduct today. That’s the thing, though — bloggers are fine. Bloggers are great. It’s the trolls who need to be shot.

My only problem with the code is that it’s up to the hosting site to control the handful of idiots who may read it, to shield the “good” readers from the assholitry. I get that. I do. I have turned off comments for that very reason. I don’t care what some lonely asshole has to say about me, but don’t turn the attacks to my readers and/or the people I care about. It’s boring.

But moreover than shielding the loyal, fabulous readers, why do I even have to see that shit? I pay good money for domains, bandwidth and other nifty tools that keep my words alive. I don’t give a rat’s ass about what some nut has to say, and it’s my right to ban people from my life, so why do I even have to acknowledge their existence online? Meaning, I don’t need a code of ethics. But certain readers? Need a freaking gag order. And an electroshock from their keyboards.

That said, I’m not posting the “Anything Goes” badge. Quite the contrary: my blog, my thoughts, my rules, my world. Not to sound like a complete douche, but I’m sharing myself here, heart and soul. I don’t need to be held accountable by anyone or anything. Because who’s to hold everyone else accountable for their actions? It’s like how we as a society would rather pass laws rather than take the remote out of kids’ hands and actually parent them. I’m living by my (high) standards and everything I do is accepted by the people who pay me, so screw everyone else.

Like Tiff says in her blog policies, “In case you’re wondering, though, I take a particularly dim view of personal attacks, threats, and epithets of a racial, sexual, religious, or ethnic nature. If you want to engage in that kind of behavior, get your own damn blog because you won’t be doing it here.”

So, come out from behind spoofed IPs and anonymous e-mail addresses and THEN type what you have to say. If you really want to contribute to the conversation, or initiate your own, then you need to be willing to hear the response. It’s like the kid who thinks he “wins” because he pees in the sandbox and forces all the other kids out. But all he really accomplished was being stuck in a wet, stinky sandbox, all by himself. Call us when you break out the Pampers Pull-ups and can sit nice at the table. Till then, bugger off. And have a nice day! 🙂

Calling in blonde

April 9th, 2007, 1:02 PM by Goddess

I think it should be perfectly legal and acceptable to call in “blonde” for a day off of work. Seriously. I have not yet managed to eke out a coherent sentence, and the possibility of it happening sometime within the remaining daylight hours is substantially low as well. Rather than offend anybody or simply to screw up the time-sensitive stuff that I am rushing through, I would love to just say, “Sorry, too stupid today to do any work. Better luck tomorrow!”

I just picked up yet another new project to juggle in with the existing ones, and damn, it’s blowing my little mind. Today’s one of those days in which a simple “routine” task would be very much appreciated. Oh, well, hopefully Cup No. 12 of coffee will be the one that does the trick! 😉


April 9th, 2007, 9:07 AM by Goddess

I used to feel hungover the day after holidays because we’d had a big family dinner and there would be leftovers coming out the wazoo. Now, there’s really no reason to go all out, because the people in the family (i.e., grandparents) who appreciated the efforts are gone now.

I drove up to see Mom this weekend. It was low-key and perfect in that regard. Sad, of course, without my grandfather. It’s like we’re always looking to see if he’s still around — that if maybe we do the same things and go to the same places, we’ll somehow see him.

This was a weekend for reconnecting with a lot of people, for me. Not to abuse the Easter theme, but I found that I put a whole lot of eggs into not a whole lot of baskets in regard to relationships and friendships of late. And that’s fine, for the most part — I invest in those who are worthy of it. But quite a few have fallen off the radar for myriad reasons (my own neglect being one of them), and it’s wonderful to type up an e-mail or a text message and get an instant response.

Good things come to those who wait, I guess. But more importantly, good things WILL wait until you’re ready to come to them and give them the effort you previously couldn’t.

That’s an important lesson for me right now, as I’m wondering whether some things are worth fighting for, and/or if they even existed in the first place. But I’m worth waiting/fighting for, too — and I’ve got all the proof in the world that I need of that. Like I tell all the boys, get me now while I’m still young and cute! 😉