Weird little week

April 19th, 2007, 5:27 PM by Goddess

Honestly, what the hell is going on this week? It’s not a bad week, by any means, but man, it’s off-kilter.

My friend just called to say her cousin is in the local burn unit. Turns out that he was trying to fill a lighter with butane, while he was smoking crack. Burned off most of his face and blew up half of his apartment, while he was at it. Brilliant.

I have no problem with self-destructive people. Really, don’t share your stupidity with the world. It’s those assholes who think their life’s mission is to ruin yours that I have a problem with. (Like that Virginia Tech shooter — man, how many creepy assholes have we come across in our days? That could have been us, at any time. Some nut with a few screws loose and look what happens. It’s a wonderful *snerk* case study for the counseling field — oh wait, they couldn’t help him either. Blah blah blah I’m not blaming anyone but the little whackjob himself, but really, why doesn’t society listen to not only the crazy when they cry out, but also the perfectly sane who try to alert people to it? Why do good people have to die because someone’s on an imaginary warpath?)

I digress.

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, back to my friend’s cousin. Look, the crack-smoking? Stupid. Really fucking stupid. But blowing up himself now has his family going berserk, trying to figure out how to advocate for him in the hospital while wondering if he’s even worth saving at this point. You can’t burn bridges while you’re standing on them and expect people to rally around your sorry ass. And that little habit of his? Endangered the lives of everyone in his apartment building, because there was a bona fide explosion. Not to mention that his family members are fairly prominent in the area — lord knows we house the bulk of the nation’s elected officials in our various suburbs. I hope this bullshit doesn’t get out, because it’d be a freaking mess.

My friend said her cousin has these charred boxes on his arms. She asked the medics what that was all about, and they said it was burned skin. *shudder*

I don’t know what’s worse — people with evil intentions or the dumb idiot who has no freaking clue how his actions affect the world around him. Well, bad intent is definitely worse, don’t get me wrong, because you can choose to be civilized and if you don’t, you’re walking away from your God-given responsibilities to the world. You can try to forgive the happy idiot who’s oblivious to the rest of the world, but either way, it feels like people have no freaking clue what their actions (or inaction, depending) does to throw the world off its axis for the unfortunate few who happened to be standing in the wrong place at the wrong time who either tried to help or didn’t even know to run when the anvil was hurtling toward their heads. …

Blog gone

April 19th, 2007, 1:55 PM by Goddess

I pulled the password-protected entry, although it’s not like hitting the “undo” function. I’m not ashamed of it — hell, I think I did some of my best writing in it. But I forgot HOW MANY people have this password. 😉 And I love and trust you all, but seriously, I wasn’t thinking that one through when I made it quasi-public. *shakes off the “ick”

Blogging drives me batshit anymore. I’ve gotten into so much trouble over this stupid space, professionally and personally, and I keep meaning to keep it bland. But I got bold, and I shared TMI. Stuff that I actually wanted to keep to myself. But I couldn’t. Not at the moment that it threatened to burst forth.

D. and I were just sitting here talking about it. (Work? They pay me to do WORK!?!?) Even she’s like, whoa, where did all that come from? And I’m like, yeah, that’s what I wanted to capture. The moment Goddess officially freaking lost her mind, archived for eternity.

And it’s not that it needed to be hidden. I guess I could have posted it live, or even just left it up in its protected state. I wouldn’t type anything that I wouldn’t say to someone’s face. You guys know that about me. You’ve watched me grow up in this space for the past five-plus years. I give you my heart, every last piece of it. I come from a pure place. I can keep others’ secrets, but mine? A lot harder to conceal. Impossible, even.

Thank you, everyone, for the comments and e-mails. I really missed the positive feedback. I’m glad to know you’re still out there, cheering me on. Maybe I’ll keep hiding more posts just so I can get more comments. (Ponder the irony of THAT statement. HA!)

OMG, duh

April 19th, 2007, 6:03 AM by Goddess

It never once occurred to me that I could open up the comments on my password-protected entries. I miss hearing from you guys! Not enough to open up the regular comments, though — I”m happy to silence 100 so I don’t have to hear from one specifically — but yeah, I do love me some locked blog entries right about now. 😉