Went to see a play that a friend of mine wrote, directed and starred in. “Mill Town Girls” is currently gracing the stage of the Quotidian Theatre, and it’s a fabulous, fabulous play. And I’m not just saying that because I work with Audrey and it never hurts to be in her good graces.
“Mill Town Girls” is the prequel to a play called “Fin and Euba” that’s won a bajillion awards in the local area and that is going to be turned into a screenplay. (She says they’re shooting the trailer for it Sunday — odd because the film hasn’t actually been shot and they’re doing the trailer first!)
We got to “meet” Fin and Euba in high school tonight and learn how they became who they are. The thing I love about my friend’s writing is that you can’t help but immerse yourself in the scene and characters.
I mean, the woman’s a designer for a living, and detail is her specialty. The play was set in 1986 and everything down to Fin’s bedroom set (which I HAD!) and the posters of Rick Springfield (*swoon*), Don Johnson and Prince in “Purple Rain” (another favorite from then AND now, as it worked its way very seamlessly and memorably into a recent conversation) were just awesome.
And the characters’ clothes! My god, it was like going back in time and being there with them. And because I know the theater-geek types, I find myself paying attention to lighting tricks and sound effects more than I usually do. (I do love that stuff.) Wow, the thought and the work that goes into a simple two-hour production — and for people with full-time day jobs, to boot! Amazing.
As I said, the detail is magnificent. There was one scene I am not going to quote, but I lived it, too, and yep, that’s one of those scenes that you just don’t write off the top of your head. Either she lived it or did her research well, and considering that her upbringing has inspired her plots and characters, I’ll leave it at that. Good theater is entertaining; great theater hurts sometimes, it’s that spot-on.
I don’t want to give anything away in case anyone does want to go see this. (As well you should.) But the Fin character, Veronica del Cerro, was just plain magical. She actually turned down a VERY nice paycheck to star in a Disney pilot (you read that right — a Disney pilot) so she could be part of this production. Star quality, I tell ya.
Stupdendous, stupendous evening. Why these folks are wasting their time working with the likes of the rest of us and not doing this for a living is beyond me. But then again, all of us have big dreams and capabilities inside of us that are either undiscovered or simply neglected.
I’m so happy when one of my own group achieves such a milestone, because it’s inspirational. If she could find the time to make her dreams come true, why the hell shouldn’t I?!?!