I’d call it a day from hell, but it’s only the first circle of the inferno. (It’s those eighth-concentric-circle days that you’ve got to watch out for.) Today there was just a warm breeze and not an eternal flame up my ass, so yay for survival!
* You know I complain all the time because restaurants can’t get my order right because apparently I’m too well-spoken. So tonight, I wasn’t the least bit surprised when our dinner order got screwed up … at a Mexican restaurant. At least they were cheerful enough to make the order right, so kudos there.
* Today boys and girls, we learned that if you’re going to be taping a Web video (via, say, Camtasia Studio) in which you are showing people neat stuff they can do with Teh Interwebs, for God’s sake, CLEAR YOUR HISTORY. Why the hired help was surfing SexToySex.com, however, is a question for another day. …
* The quote of the day comes in relation to someone I haven’t stopped bitching about for six months, but I wasn’t the one who came up with this. But that won’t stop me from using it. “[Dumbshit] is one of those people who thinks they can eat coal and fart out a diamond.” I’d say that’s an excellent summation for anyone who thinks they’re better than you are!