‘I always think of you, but you will think of me smiling’

July 18th, 2007, 9:30 PM by Goddess

“Change has begun
So cease your regrets
I make good mistakes
And I’m not over yet.”

— Jimmie’s Chicken Shack, “Smiling”

Another day that kicked my ass up and down Rockville Pike, but today I had a tiny but significant victory, so let’s call this one a win.

Most days I can’t comprehend why people turn to psychotropics or hallucinogenics to get through, but other days, I can totally get down with frying one’s brain temporarily.

As I told someone today, I’m so crabby lately, it’s time for a bath in drawn butter. And that’s about the only preface that you can put on an “Eat me!” comment that won’t get you sent to human resources. 😉

I’m getting to a point where I’m so overloaded in all aspects of life that I’m tired enough to screw up. I haven’t, knock on wood, but I can see it happening if I don’t slow the hell down. What amazes me is how I’m actually trying to add MORE to my life.

Pressure never fazes me. I can’t get enough of the challenges and responsibilities and am always up for more. But on days like today, I’m thinking that being average wouldn’t be such a bad thing. But then I meet average people who are clearly happy that way, and they aggravate me to no end.

And I think about dating because, of course, I’m a girl and I’m not willing to hit my sexual peak alone. 🙂 And I think wow, I’ve achieved more than 10 people put together, and people might have the audacity to reject you based on some minor thing in you that they perceive as a flaw when you can run circles around them.

It’s a funny trap, how sometimes people can make you feel like you’re not worthy of their time, attention, affection, whatever — and even if they don’t try to, that’s what their actions or lack thereof can convey. And maybe that’s what pushes people like me to excel at everything else, that you just won’t miss them missing out on you.

I guess, during a rare free moment the other day, I found myself pondering whether the magic is/was only an illusion, and whether I’m dumb enough to keep trying to figure out the difference. But maybe it was only finite — maybe I saw something that wasn’t meant to last, and I was lucky to have witnessed some sort of cosmic miracle.

Like it was said on the “House” rerun from last night, apparently life is a series of rooms, and your experiences and memories are based on who’s in the room with you at any given time. But I guess we all leave those rooms, and move on to bigger and better ones. As I find myself wandering a hallway right now, I’ve got to remember that before I choose the next room to enter … and to close the door on rooms already visited or those that just don’t have a good vibe about them from the doorway.

Or maybe I just need to not stop in vacant rooms anymore and just head straight to the party. That would probably save a lot of time and effort, but for some reason, I’m afraid of missing out on something special so I’m always spelunking for it. I just hope my hands won’t be too full when I find whatever it is that I think I’m looking for. I guess I also hope that I’ll find something even better than I imagined, if I just keep at it long enough.

I don’t know. I do know I’m doing fine overall, even if I’m just exhausted and crabalicious and seemingly aimless sometimes. A couple of people have said to me recently, “Wow, things really seem to be going well for you.” And honestly, they’re right. I really have no complaints. I think I’m just imagining that I’m hitting a wall when really I’m just punching through the plateau so things can get even better.

Growth hurts sometimes, but it’ll feel good when I can overcome the fear of heights long enough to look down and see how far I’ve come. I get so focused on where I’m NOT that I don’t think much about where I’ve BEEN.

And perhaps that’s where I’ll get the strength to turn around and resume the climb with renewed spirit.

Damn, it feels good to be a gangsta.

“Breathing is really cool, I love my life
Every reason in the world to be smiling.”

Where have you been all my life?

July 18th, 2007, 8:07 AM by Goddess

I swear, I’m in dating-service hell. I gave up on one service because for the cost of meeting someone, I could instead afford a nice tropical cruise.

(And which would YOU rather have, honestly? Exactly. Sing it with me: “Vacation, all I ever wanted. Vacation, had to get away!” Sorry about that Go-Gos earworm; I had to share the misery!)

Anyway, so I’ve been getting e-mails from a couple of the online services that I’ve joined. And folks are, shall we say, less than creative with their subject lines. You know — those things that are supposed to entice me to open the damn message, like to show that they read my profile and weren’t just blinded by the goddess-ness of it all.

Little did I know I’d be getting a blog entry out of this epic adventure.


Last week, I saw this note pop up, “I love dogs, too!” And I’m thinking, you know, I write epics about myself and who I want to end up with. I toss out a dozen conversation starters in my essays. My username isn’t something I’d normally affiliate myself with, but I figure if I’m trying to attract hetero men, I can’t do something girly and frilly and goddess-y.

So this “I love dogs” business. I’m thinking what a lazy son of a bitch. I have no dogs. Either he’s doing form letters and spamming potential mates in the hopes that one of them is going to happen to love dogs and bite, or he’s just that plain dumb. (And believe me, I know dumb. There’s someone I know whom someone else thinks is a drunk; trust me, I just don’t think the lights are on OR that anyone’s home — it ain’t booze-induced.)


Anyway, so I’m thinking, “I ain’t paying to read this stupid message!” because really, I have CATS. Read the fucking profile already. I don’t have photos of them; I simply mention them in a checkbox/list-style area.

As far as where they’d pull dogs out of their ass, there’s another checkbox, after “Pets I Have,” for “Pets I’d Like to Have.” And well, I checked “dog.” I like dogs. Don’t love them. I’d sell you my cats for a cup of coffee — THAT I’D BUY FOR YOU — because I’m up to my ass cheeks in cleaning animal excrement. So what kind of tool finds that miniscule detail and hones in on it?

Sure, I like a dude who’s detail-oriented, but that level of detail tends to freak me the fuck out because “those” kind of guys tend to have no peripheral vision, as they’re so focused on the minutiae.


So this leads me to think that I don’t want to pay to read Captain Kooky’s e-mail. I mean, wow, you love dogs, too? We’re meant to be together! You have two ears? OMIGOD, me too! You sit down to poop, too? WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?

Anyway, I got a bunch more messages last night, and it occurs to me that one particular service must just automatically assign the subject lines, because they’re all, “I’m into (X activity), too!”

I think it’ll be worth the price of admission to at least open the letter from the one who’s into fine wines. Means he has to have SOME level of class, I hope. 🙂

GAWD, why can’t I just meet someone in person like in the “good old days”? OK, let’s face it, without the Internet, I’d probably never really meet anyone to date, and the ones I do find in person are about as questionable sometimes as the ones hiding behind a quasi-clever screen name.

But shit, for the money we have to dump into these dating services, it’s like paying for a date anyway — it just feels like a rip-off to not at least get a movie or something out of it. Makes me feel not just like a tool, but the whole damn toolBOX, to pay $40 a month to sit on my ass in front of my computer when I could be out seeing the world.

Fuck, who can afford the actual DATES after you pay to be “introduced” to them at your computer?!?!

Prince Charming, are you out there or am I just swimming toward the next lily pad for nothing?