This week in ‘boring’

October 23rd, 2007, 10:03 PM by Goddess

Man, I seriously have nothing to say. Wow. Revel in the silence, people.


I booked my hotel for the weekend. Jacuzzi suite, kids. I may never leave it and the rental car will be a waste of $120.

Actually, I have to vacate the glorious room on Monday as I have a quickie work commitment while I’m out where the deer and the antelopes play, so I downgraded my room for the last few days of my trip. Can’t go charging that one back to the company, although a girl can dream. 😉


It’s been a rocky month. Man, I don’t know how I’ve made it this far without charges being brought against me for the mere images of homicides I could have committed. All I have to say is this, as it applies pretty much across the board: If you promise to not talk to me, can I get that in writing? Pretty please?!?!


In other boring news, I’d like to know how my insurance company cannot manage to send my policy/ID cards to my new address (and I’ve been here six months) BUT the idiots are sending my deceased grandfather’s bills to my address. Apparently anyone with my last name EXCEPT me can get a bill here!

I wish I only had to pay the $100 that his monthly bill is — shit, they’re telling me that mine is $160 a month — and that was the cheapest quote I could find! (Fucking D.C.)


Work is actually manageable, which means I’m either slacking off or forgetting about something huge. Actually, it’s more a testament to the fact that I hired really well. How did I used to do all of this stuff by myself? And why do I feel guilty now when I can leave at 6 p.m.? *sigh*

In any event, if I can just get this week’s project pulled out of my butt off, I will be a happy girl. Otherwise, next week’s work trip will be a waste of thousands of dollars in manpower and equipment. No pressure, of course. 😉


Excellent, I’ve just put myself to sleep. And probably you, too. In that case, Zzzzzzzzzzz …

Fantastic voyage

October 23rd, 2007, 7:16 AM by Goddess

No time to write, and nothing worth writing home about, anyway. Am surfing Expedia for hotel rooms in a mountain resort town for this weekend because plane tickets have been procured and yet a landing place has yet to be determined.

I’ve rented a car because it’s mandatory to drive far, far away from the cliched airport town. Am also wondering whether it’s smart to pack a winter coat. Not like you’ll catch my ass skiing or anything (hah), but you know, wouldn’t want to put anyone’s eye out along the way. 😉 (It’s 39 degrees there right now.)

I’m trying to find a nice hotel that won’t break the bank because I’d actually like to get some spa services done. (That mountain air is good for ya, but I’d like to get a little more pampering than that.) Because I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me I CAN do it.

Mini-vacation, you’re almost mine. …