So I had this bright idea last week, that I should get licensed in my field. Because, hell, I’m looked at as the designated “expert” on certain topics anyway, so why not actually get the piece of paper that justifies it?
The problem is that in order to get the license I want, I have to be licensed in something else. The test alone for the first license is six hours; the test prep materials alone are hundreds upon hundreds of dollars. The second test seems easier — at least, I do know the subject matter fairly well — but again, money money money.
But it’s all an excuse. Not that I’m rolling in dough (trust me, the output is starting to exceed the input again), but the real thing that is knocking off my frog socks is the fact that whoa, I’m investing in this career. That I’m officially sucking it up and saying I’m going to be a goddess of this particular field. Which is kind of exciting, actually. But still — wow. This is my equivalent of getting married and having kids — I’ve actually got a direction to go in now.
My boss loves the idea, BTW. Which puts on the pressure to follow through with it. And I know it will make me exceptionally valuable to this firm, not to mention that all the joking around that, “I can do this just as well as those other guys,” well, I can try it out for real.
I don’t know whether I’m excited at the prospect of learning/doing something huge or whether I need someone to hold my hair back so I can throw up at the thought of knowing what I’ll be doing with my life for the next couple of years. Maybe what I need most is someone to kick my ass and remind me, “Yeah, that thing you said you were going to do? DO IT.”
Am feeling oddly grown-up right now. And not liking it one bit. 🙂