More non-secular church lessons

November 12th, 2007, 7:26 PM by Goddess

So there’s this attractive guy at church. I’ve seen him around — he’s always dressed impeccably and even expensively. I’ve never really made it a point to talk to him or anything like that because, well, I am a girl who appreciates the scenery but am not much on the interaction thing.

They make us stand at the beginning of services and turn around to greet each other. It’s sweet and obnoxious all at the same time. Except … I realized that I was sitting behind Mr. Well-Dressed yesterday and the first person HE moved to greet was ME!

*slight swoon*

And I know it was only a five-second interaction, but I had one of those weird revelations. Here I was thinking he was all unapproachable and good-looking and he would never talk to (say it with me, girls) “someone like me.” Weirder still, after we exchanged pleasantries, my inner voice went, “Meh.”

Yep, the dude I was so jazzed to meet? Sort of wooden, in a hollow kind of way.

Yes, I know it was only a quick interaction. I’m sure he’s got an IQ to match mine or at least a bank account to mask mine. 🙂

But it was one of those moments that I thought, wow, I don’t always think that highly of myself. But then there’s this untouchable type and I realized, shit, I have 10 times the amount of personality. He might be pretty to look at, but I’m probably way more fun to hang out with!

I don’t mean to sound mean-spirited. Quite the contrary — I’m taking a moment to pay myself a compliment. Lately, I’m so afraid of being turned down, and I don’t really know why, because it’s pointless to think of someone else as “better” than you. Different, sure, but that’s about it.

And yes, maybe Mr. Well-Dressed is just shy or perhaps not an easy conversationalist like I usually am. (Or, for that matter, as easy as I am. Ha!)

Anywho, I guess this blinding flash of the obvious was an eye-opener for me, that if we all just look at each other (and ourselves) as humans just looking for someone to “get” them and appreciate them for a moment, we’re really not so different after all. …

Conversational QOTD

November 12th, 2007, 7:06 PM by Goddess

Ah, the witticisms are flying.

“Have a nice day.”

“I was until you called!”

Virtual Goddess

November 12th, 2007, 4:35 PM by Goddess

Goddess is at home in bed right now, napping under her fluffy winter comforter from IKEA that is designed for the coldest months.

The body of Goddess, however, has had “a day” so far and it’s one that ain’t over yet. Far from it. 🙂

It’s “good” busy, though. I am leaving town in short order, and guess who is flying one day but whose hotel stay doesn’t begin till the next day? Yep. And who was told that her hotel for the unplanned night would cost $499? Ha!

I went to my travel agent and got alternate accommodations for the first night, and now I’m paying over $200 for Teh Cheese. It was either Teh Cheese or Bubble Gum Vomitorium, which had a little too much of Teh Pink for my tastes. *barf* I can’t WAIT to take photos and talk about what an experience it was, which means I will probably fall in love with it.

In good news, my order just arrived, as I bought some shit for ze trip and will now have auditory joy on ze plane. Yay for imports!

Hmm, 4:30 p.m. and I still haven’t started today’s newsletter, last week’s report, two weeks ago’s slideshow and today’s Web site. Guess I know where I’ll be for the next dozen hours. …

Odds & ends

November 12th, 2007, 8:12 AM by Goddess

Wanted to wish a belated happy birthday to Tiff, whom we actively celebrated on Saturday but who we always mentally celebrate every other day. 😉

The quote of the day from that gathering: “Sit down and enjoy your birthday next to the brown man!” LOL.

I also wanted to take this moment to celebrate all the veterans and soldiers on active duty on this Veteran’s Day. Here’s to hoping they can all get private insurance, because otherwise the Veterans Hospitals will finish the job that the wars started.

Here’s to remembering my own fallen veteran today, who triumphed over Hitler’s men but couldn’t survive the ineptitude of some horse-faced cunt named “Dr.” (ha!) Trang at the Veterans Hospital in Aspinwall, Pa. It’s been a rotten year without you, buddy. I miss you.