Subtitle: Today’s pain brought to you by the letter “E”
Sub-subtitle: Don’t ask about the subtitle
I went and worked out tonight. I’m hurting, but having a lovely, calorie-filled blackened-chicken quesadilla from California Tortilla made working out necessary and, thus, inevitable.
I haven’t been to a gym in about three years. Taking care of myself is a blog entry or 20 for another day because I’ve sort of been taking the “I want to be alone” phase to new extremes. (Read: Leave me alone with a pint of ice cream.) I have severe relationship issues and try to avoid them at all costs, including costs to my health. But again, story for another day.
Anyway, I had fun. Really. The club is kind of sketchy, and in a somewhat-sketchy area, as the parking situation is just scary and you have to go down about a billion steps (that always seem to be wet) to get to the club. I’m thinking a good rain/snow comes along and I will never want to make the journey. But anyway, that’s why I’m doing the free trial — to see if I like it enough to stick with it or whether I should be looking elsewhere.
The inside of the locker room was kind of stinky, in a dry-roasted ass kind of way. There is a dry sauna and a wet sauna, but as all my flip-flops are sparkly and have no traction, I didn’t enter either. Besides, I didn’t want to smoke out the iPhone with steam and I didn’t bring a lock with me to claim a locker.
I wore myself out tonight, trying to overcome some severe aggression from a major conundrum that was brought on somewhere around 4 p.m. I know I need to work on problem areas, but tonight was all about machines that let me run/climb/pant/wheeze/gasp in place while watching the New Hampshire primaries on one screen and CNBC on another. (Go Hillary! Boo Dow Industrials!)
I’d give the club a three out of five. Folks were good about cleaning their machines with all the antibacterial wipes provided, and everyone kept to themselves and seemed courteous enough. There were people of all shapes and sizes, which was nice to see. I just wonder how many of us will be there next week or even next month.
I guess I’ve just been to enough fitness rooms in four- and five-star hotels, so admittedly I was turning up my nose because I was finally in a place that I could afford. 😉 And it really sucks being poor! Fuck, if I were rich, I’d pay someone to exercise for me.
I realized I am in dire need of good workout wear. My “tennis” shoes were no match for all the stairmastery shit. Motherfuckin’ ow. I wore my one decent sport bra, but either I have to wash it daily or I have to resort to the pile of others I have with less-than-adequate support. That’s all I’d need to do — put an eye out while I’m working out.
Oh well; I had better do it now before I think about signing a contract, because if I like this place and my days keep going the way they are, the gym will be seeing a lot more of me!