After consuming nothing but a frozen dinner and vending-machine cookies yesterday somewhere around 3 p.m., am feeling very full from a nice dinner at Los Tios and nummy ice cream at Dairy Godmother with mah homegirls this evening, after a full day of PodCamping.
Actually, it’s not just mah belleh that’s full, but also my heart as well. Thanks, ladies, for everything. *mwah!*
I usually keep my outings to myself, but this one bears repeating. We were talking about how, if we won the lottery, we’d join the ranks of the unemployed faster than you can say, “We’re going to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too.”
While Tiff outlined her brilliant plan for tormenting people, Steph suggested she’d simply crap on her desk if she got the winning lottery ticket. I guess I went somewhere really bad in my own head after that comment, as I volunteered about myself, “Somebody spray some Febreze — I think Goddess just quit!”
I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard since, well, my friend at work and I discussed, well, our usual roster of things we discuss. 😉 It was just nice to do it on an 86-degree, sunny day on the patio of a Mexican restaurant with margaritas, sangria and queso for a change.