K, so I have entirely too much to do to actually spend any time blogging, but I also need the distraction.
Have been feeling rather victorious these past couple of days, for reasons best left unexplained. But what I can share in public is that while I only lost a pound last week (yaar), my shirt is falling off of my shoulders today. Victory — can has!
I just find myself so exhausted these days. Maybe it’s only living on rabbit food, maybe it’s having no real resolution to much of anything going on, maybe it’s just trying to sidestep the aggravation landmines as best I can, but I’m whipped.
I’ve always said that if emotional endurance tests could translate into physical calories burned, I’d be back down to my birth weight. Shit, after the past month I’d be back down to zygote weight!
I’ve had the same dream for several nights in a row. Much as I welcome sleep, I’m coming to dread it as well.
But … and there’s always one of those … it’s all temporary. There’s hope on the horizon yet. Perhaps life isn’t one big cosmic joke after all. …