Torture trifecta

November 2nd, 2008, 6:54 PM by Goddess

Oh, I did promise to write something every day this month, right? Bleagh.

OK, so I was headed toward Alexandria for what would be a lovely brunch at Overwood with Tiff and Tom when I decided to get my newly lit “check engine” light, well, checked at my old mechanic in that area. Five hours later — yes, they picked me up, took me out and returned me safely — I got my car out of the automotive pokey. And lo, I ain’t singing yet, ’cause this drama is far from over.

First they had to order a part from another mechanic. It came at some point. And it came WRONG. So they had to order it from another place. And had to go pick it up. Oh and BY the way, did I know that two of my tires have holes in them?

I’m like, fine, ring me up some new tires.

“Oh, we don’t sell tires,” they said.

“Of course you don’t,” I said, somewhat cheerfully, somewhat maniacally.

We’ve moved the nearly deflated tires to the rear of the car since the power and, more importantly, the BRAKES are in the front.

While I was waiting for this blessed event to come to a merciful end, I got a call from someone saying that he probably wasn’t going to be able to make it to something I’d invited him to.

Of course. See, there’s a reason I’ve stopped getting my hopes up. And this was it. But I admit to letting myself wonder about it from time to time, when I REALLY needed to picture something going right. Oh well. Another time, right?

This all came after my computer — both the monitor AND the hard drive — climaxed together and committed suicide by asphyxiation this morning, too. Yay.

And I remembered why I stopped using my laptop, as plugging the cable Internet cord into it never did work. I had asked a ton of people how to make it go, but other than an “Uh, did you disable the firewall?” and a corresponding ass scratch, that was pretty much where I quit pushing the issue.

Anyway, I was so glad I was done with having a car payment (on my own vehicle, anyway) but between today’s repair and the tires I have to find the fucking time to buy this week, well, I didn’t REALLY want to be saving up for a new ‘puter, did I?

Speaking of, this thing’s about to fizzle yet again. …