Bursting with fruit flavor here

April 14th, 2009, 8:30 PM by Goddess

Burst of happy

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

I can’t believe I got this shot on my iPhone. I find that most of my best shots come from that thing. All hail the almighty Apple. *bows*

Don’t have a lot to say today. Have mostly been either at work or trying to come up with ideas for it. Also have been fighting with our content management system; once I learn that thing, it will be cake. Cake, I tell you, cake.

Speaking of cake (and Easter candy in general), I’ve eaten my weight in it these past few days. All hail the faulty thyroid for actually registering a weight LOSS after all that sinful eating. Everybody brings so much junk into the office, and in a space that’s about the size of my apartment, it’s very hard to get away from temptation.

I stuck with my Saturday morning Weight Watchers meeting. It’s me and 37 Brooklyn Jews in their octogenarian years. But I kind of had fun this time around; I may give this date and time slot a shot. We have a lot of favorite delis and restaurants in common. 🙂

But I was mostly endeared when they all wished me a “Happy Eastah.” Seriously, cute as friggin’ buttons, they were. I miss New York more than I miss D.C. right now.

On the subject of travel, I am kind of bummed these days; a trip I normally take each May probably won’t happen. I’m getting my wish to work on intensive projects instead of having the same schedule every day. And we’re diving headfirst into “holy mother of God, how the fuq are we going to do all this in that short of a time period?” land. But it’s all in God’s hands, you know? If I’m meant to go, the production schedule will get bumped by a week or two. I ain’t mad and I ain’t losing sleep. I have enough to worry about otherwise.

I’ll spare you the “otherwise.” But if the term OEHTM (Over-Extended Houseguest) comes to mind … ding-ding-ding you win a prize!

Anyway, I’m posting a happy beach photo today because the storm clouds are looming and, for as desperately as I need a car wash, I just don’t wanna have my parade rained on right now. Other than that one blip on the radar (see previous graf), I’m happy to say that life is as full of sunshine and rainbows as it’s ever been, and I don’t take that for granted. Not one bit.