Four weeks of nonstop activity have ground to a sudden halt for one glorious day. Things pick back up full-force tomorrow and go on indefinitely.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is what I wanted.
I was at my wits’ end yesterday. I had come up with a catchy little ditty I liked to call “I wish I never left D.C.,” sung to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
That was Teh Cranky showing itself, of course. I don’t really wish I hadn’t left D.C. Well, not all the time, anyway. I accept full realization that I can’t really be happy anywhere — at least, not right now.
So on my day off, I’m feeling overwhelmed with the ever-growing list of laundry and errands and finding car insurance since I got dropped and my guilt over just wanting to sit around and watch VH1 or maybe clear some shit off my DVR.
But as soon as I catch up, I have to work ahead. I’m going out Thursday night (win!) and leaving on an airplane at 6 a.m. Friday morning (West Coast-bound for two days).
In a normal world, I love this shit. But as I get older, my resources get depleted faster and are much harder to replenish. I’m dubbing 35 “Year of the Leg Cramp,” as I can live with getting drunker, sooner and not having the energy I once did. But this waking up in the middle of the night in pain all the time? Shit.
What would make today at least feel like a vacation day would be to get rid of the Over-Extended Houseguest so I can enjoy my overpriced abode. But noooo, no apartment to herself (for the past two years and counting) for Goddess.
I would love nothing more than to hit the beach today, but I just don’t have the time. And of course the OEH asked if I would buy her a new cell phone AND take her to the beach. I snapped and said to take her own damn self to the beach (we’ve lived here three months now and she still hasn’t wandered down the fucking BLOCK to the ocean). I mean, really, why not get out of my hair for a day? How much more apparent do I have to make it that a source of my frustration is your very presence?
I hate to ask God for strength and help when our world is in turmoil and streets are burning and children are going hungry and, well, life has been a little bit worse. But the older I get, I find that I ask for less and less. I just want peace, you know?
I want to feel alive. I almost wish I never HAD felt alive or relaxed because it seems like such an aberration — however short a period it lasted — because it makes me CRAVE it more. And I take it on my own shoulders that I don’t know how to get it back. I also take it upon my own shoulders that I’m the only one who CAN.
It’ll all be OK. I’m sure of it. I’ve heard a number of times that faith is seeing with your heart before it becomes apparent to your eyes. I guess I’ve always figured that, if you don’t ask for much, then you’ll get it because you’re not greedy, right? Maybe I need to shoot a little higher and get a little more than I was originally expecting — maybe that’s how it works.
And if anyone else knows the secret to “doing life,” and not the kind that involves prison, feel free to elaborate in the comments.