Lord of the Fleas

July 29th, 2009, 12:58 PM by Goddess

It’s pretty bad when the highlight of your day is finding a very cherished old friend on Facebook.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m quite happy about that. I’ve probably told the story in these pages at one point but I never used names so nyah. 😉

Today brought a $500 vet bill for Maddie. Seems the fleas won’t go away because her fur is uber-matted, but she’s gotten so sick that the vet won’t vaccinate her. But no one will shave her matted, flea-ridden fur till she gets her vaccinations. I seriously can’t win for losing today.

And that was just for tests. Whatever she has, and whatever that will cost, will go onto the never-ending “to spend money on” list.

So, after getting encouragement from the vet, I went back to the current rental office to bitch and moan about the the three months’ rent “fee to vacate legally” and I said, hey, knock something off since I’m hosting “Lord of the Fleas” here. Not only will they not knock anything off but they said they are going to CHARGE me to send in pest control!!!

Lord, if this is one of those tests of faith, can You grade on a bell curve?

But seriously, God, thank you for pushing M back into my path. And I’ll try very hard not to remember that I had a job offer in the same city where she now resides. And to think we were only 25 miles apart for the last half-dozen years and didn’t even know it.

A higher place from which to jump

July 29th, 2009, 6:34 AM by Goddess

Guest room balcony

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

Today’s entry is sponsored by the words “panic” and “attack.”

I learned that not only does my current apartment need two months’ rent to terminate the lease, but there’s an extra fee of a month’s rent to break it.

Slick bastards.

The options are:

A. Leave suddenly in the middle of the night; pay 2 months.

B. Give 60 days’ notice. Pay rent that whole time plus 1 extra month’s fee.

So, basically, the good people get screwed.

I asked Ghetto Cliche Latoya (with the five-inch-long-nails with which she text-messages the owner when I ask her for something) in the rental office (she was the one who screwed up my world when I was applying here and moving in) why on earth anyone would choose to pay more. She said “more time to get the money.”

Hmm. Smartest thing she’s said to me in five months.

So that leaves me paying three rents for three months. Well, “Paying” may be overstating the issue. Where am I going to find money with which to actually move?

Also, I have to drag the cats to the vet today. Neither one is eating, and they need their shots anyway. I know Maddie needs meds for her hyperthyroidism (while mine goes untreated…). The a/c in the car is broken and Mom needs money for her bills. And I ain’t got it.

I keep telling myself that all will be delightful in three months, just as long as I don’t want cable or Internet or food. It’s just GETTING there that’s going to drive me batshit.

But I’ll get there. Mark my words. …