Cold day in Florida

December 22nd, 2009, 8:36 PM by Goddess


Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

Haven’t really been around the Internet much in the past few days, mostly because the Internet has been out at Casa Caterwauling and the only time I was able to get online was when I was in Orlando for the weekend. *eyeroll*

Ask me how much I hate Comcast right now. Wait … don’t. My head will start spinning around again. Seven days without Internet, but two days FILLED with ineptitude. Shocking, I know.

Let’s talk about Orlando, shall we?

One highlight of my trip north was to the Gaylord Palms — a hotel where I have FOND memories (there’s a tinge of sarcasm there, but I really do have some damn good memories of staying there!). It was fun to show Mom where I got drunk there and got hit on here and there’s the hotel room where I made a post-midnight visit to …. O HAI TMI. *ahem*

Anyway, for the G-rated portion of this tour. …

Went to the “Ice” showcase, where the convention center was turned into a 9-degrees-warm wonderland.

Nine degrees in Florida. Little Miss here was in flip-flops and had freezer-burned toes after her 20 minutes in the exhibit.

It was very cool (pun intended) — absolutely everything was made of ice. (Photoset here.) Not worth nearly $60 for admission for two people (and $12 to park), but very cute nonetheless.

I got the world’s best souvenir from my trip there. I’ve been looking for a nativity forever — something small, modern and cute. Preferably something made of crystal. And hot damn, I found THE most perfect nativity in the “Ice” gift shop:

My cute nativity

Big ups to the Gaylord for providing parkas. They even had hats and mittens for sale in the gift shop that you are dumped into AFTER the event. (*sigh*) Too bad they didn’t have socks — I would REALLY look like a South Floridian with socks and flip-flops! 🙂

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for tonight. I have a lot on my mind and I’m going to do something wild and crazy and NOT process my thoughts in public. (A first! It’s a Christmas MIRACLE!!!)

Anyway, ho ho ho and a bottle of pinot. …

Ice queens