Bon Jovi, 4/18/10, BankAtlantic Center, Ft. Lauderdale (Sunrise)
Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn
Saw mah man Jon Bon Jovi on Sunday night. It rained like hell the whole day, and the arena is out in the middle of fucking nowhere.
And yay, some asshole rear-ended me as I drove around Sawgrass Mills to kill time. Pushed me straight into traffic. Motherfucker. There’s a fire just waiting for him to die in. My back aches and my car has some unnecessary paint on it, but everyone’s otherwise intact.
But alas, I’ve had these tickets for six months, and I wasn’t about to let some dickhead ruin my day.
I was going to sell these tickets about a thousand different times. I thought I was going to move to Austin, Texas. Then I thought I was going to end up in Chicago. Then a return to D.C. looked extremely likely. Then an offer came up in Baltimore. And just as I decided to stay in Florida, another Baltimore offer cropped up.
Obviously, I’ve stayed in Florida and can/will travel. In fact, I’m heading out of town tomorrow for the next five-ish days (for my paying job as well as my not-paying-quite-yet side job). I need to get my head in the game with the gig paying the bills, and I’ll feel a hell of a lot better when the multiple income streams are flowing in.
I love my life right now. I haven’t been taking care of my health all that much, but I’ll get back on track. Eventually. I’m going to run into some old friends this weekend — one I haven’t seen since 1996! Funny how the people we loved most who fell off the radar are just a Facebook friend request away.
Speaking of Facebook friends, I recorded Bon Jovi performing ‘Hallelujah,’ but since I’m FB friends with Bon Jovi, that’s probably not a good idea to post there. 😉 Oh well. I’ll always have it for my own enjoyment, along with the fake backstage passes they sent me as a special gift for spending my life savings on the best seats I’ve ever had at one of their events!
But alas, photos are fair game, and I’m going to be adding photos intermittently to my Bon Jovi photoset. When I have time to edit them. Whenever the hell that will be!
*Sham-Wow is the only towel with effective enough absorbency to clean up the quivering puddle of goo that I became at the concert