The best of times, the worst of times

December 31st, 2010, 8:37 AM by Goddess


Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

Just chugging some coffee so I’m awake for the drive to Key West today.

Palm Beach ain’t so bad, though. I’ve been looking at apartments in various cities, and I realize I’m quite in love with where I am, thank you very much. Screw anyone who tries to take that away.

It’s the losing of the health insurance that has me nuts now. That everyone else can keep buying haircuts and handbags while I am begging CVS to let me fill my prescriptions now and not on Jan. 10 when they’re due again. (No luck. Boo.)

Oh well. I’m going to run away to the Keys and maybe never come back. My idea of a coffeehouse/wine bar/Italian pastry shop may come true yet. Just give me a shack on the beach, and I can make it work from there.

Mom said I should go by myself, since I cannot stand being around her every second of every day. But I wouldn’t have spent the (way too much) money on this trip if it wasn’t a Christmas present for her. I told her, look, I’m used to running away from home at every opportunity. Now we are breathing the same air 24/7 and it’s Day 3 together and I’m ready to blow out my brains. But we are going to have to work together to get through this, so if you can just (for once) respect my space while I’m at home, then that’s the only way this will work. But don’t martyr yourself over a damn vacation.

I’ve decided that the only thing that will make me feel better is to fuck someone else’s husband. I have a very short list. To quote the beautiful Nicole Kidman in “Practical Magic,” “Hang on to your husbands, ladies! I’m back!”

LOL. Not that I want to compromise my karma. But I am allowing myself an evil thought or three to get me through the night. 😉

This truly was the best year of my life. It was also the worst. Next year isn’t starting off the way I wanted it to. But it sure as hell isn’t going to end like this one, either. And that right there is something to toast when the drag queen drops onto Duval Street tonight. …