What a good day.
I registered my business today. Which will look way better on a resume than, well, nothing.
Also, I’m in advanced talks with some key clients, and if I could just get my mother to stop talking at me constantly (and fucking me up every time I start writing) about the cat, the plants, places to eat and who’s hooking up with whom on “The Young and the Restless,” I may just have a viable business!
I’m not saying the next few months are going to be easy. If anything, they’re going to be the toughest of my life. But if I can put a muzzle on both the mother and the cat, and perhaps move the computer into my bedroom where I can shut the door, the rest will come naturally.
The good thing about my line of work is that it’s fairly easy to succeed in it. Making the party last is the real challenge. Accordingly, I’ve been kind of taking it easy (read: lazy) and getting my wits about me so that I’m ready to charge full-steam ahead.
I think I’m there. Almost, anyway. At least, I’m only going to sell my soul in chunks instead of signing it away in one lump.
One thing I’m promising myself is to make time for charitable work. All work and no play has made Goddess a very dull girl for too many years. I’m lucky to have everything I have, and I’m not going to wait “till things get settled” to do the things I love and want to do.
I know, right now I’m a lot of talk and no action. But it will come. The nice guys are tired of finishing last. Slow and steady is going to win this race. Mark my words.