Bathed in awesomesauce

March 31st, 2011, 6:11 AM by Goddess

My fur-child

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

Working from home this week has been joyous. And by joyous, I mean “has sucked rancid butthole.”

Monday, I went without electricity for at least half the workday. And when it would return and I’d reboot, *bam* down it went again.

Wednesday was fire-alarm testing … for four hours. Which freaked the fuck out of the fur-child. Poor kid was attached to my side for the day with hurty ears.

I’m just glad the idiots didn’t activate the alarms by setting the building on fire. Because, that’s about the level of intelligence we’re dealing with here.

Otherwise, I’ve been hauling ass on an awesome project with an awesome team. Out of habit (of anticipating shit), I sent a progress update yesterday and made PDFs of the multimedia files I was working on, to show my progress.

My two contacts on the project asked what the update was all about. I said, you know, to show you what I’ve done and to give you opportunity to weigh in on the direction I’m taking this in.

Both said, “Yeah, hey. We trust you. You bring a level of experience and expertise that we don’t have. Knock yourself out with however you want to approach it.”

Never fails to amaze me when I hear that stuff. Well, I know I am bathed in awesomesauce, but it’s such a vote of confidence when people say we know what you’ve done and now show us what you can do next.

Anyway, I say this to share with my friends in impossible work situations (which seems to be about 95% of you these days) that eventually God gives you a break — a good one!

Actually, I’m not hurting for opportunity at all these days. However, time and energy are at critical shortages. I know I took on too much, but after two months without working, wouldn’t YOU have said yes to six offers? I just hope I dazzle the right ones and don’t piss off the wrong ones!