A ‘God Moment’ arises

May 7th, 2011, 1:30 PM by Goddess


Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

We all know I’ve been planning to get a dog for my birthday. So, just I agreed to provide emergency dog-sitting services for five days.

We’re a little over 48 hours in and I am kind of over dogs. *hugging my cat quickly before she claws me*

I’ve got two poodles here. The boy is a joy. And then there’s little sister here, who is a shade past batshit. They’re super-cute and loving. But man, I’m tired.

I kept them here the first night, which was stupid. Kadie never left the houseguest’s closet, and these two slept with me. I awakened to the boy barfing all over me and my bed. I went into my bathroom to find they had used my rugs as pee pads. And the kitchen had shit smeared from one end to the other. The houseguests’ rugs are in tatters.

This little one pictured has a nasty cough. And I didn’t know this going into it. And after a couple of hours at the zoo, Kadie started rasping and horking. Yeah, bad news. I’ve had to sleep at the puppies’ house with them and visit them a few times a day.

Monday can’t come soon enough. 😉

The crazy part of all this? My friend said that the boy is hers to keep but the girl is available for adoption. I’m not sure why she has her, but I don’t ask questions. Anyway, since people tend to admire dogs on the Avenue, she said to get the number of anyone interested.


So, the houseguest and I were out walking the four-pawed wonders on Thursday. And for some bizarre reason, I had a feeling that I wanted to walk right up to the Intracoastal Waterway. The sunset was amazing and the orange-pink colors were reflecting off the bridge so spectacularly that I kind of went, “Oooh, shiny” and started walking.

At the end of the land, under the bridge, sat two sisters who were mesmerized by little ZsaZsa here. Unbeknownst to me at the time, they were plotting to persuade me to let them play with — or, you know, adopt — the black dog.

Is that fate or what?

Apparently they had grown up with tiny black poodles like this one. And the older sister had three or four black poodles in succession — all named Pixie.

And she wants this dog. 🙂

We talked for hours. I had a lot in common with the older sister, and my mom had a lot in common with the younger sister. (The latter two are the same age.) And the elder sister has connections in my field and said she’d be happy to pull a few strings if I’m interested in making her connections mine.

Um, hell YEAH!

Anyway, this is what my old pastors used to call “God Moments.” How we all ended up in the one smoking section on the whole island … with those two staying at one of the hotels because they were meeting in the middle from the north and south to have a little visit … right on MY island and two blocks from my palace … is nothing short of a mystery. And the miracle is how our needs (job) and wants (dog) intersected.

I hope my friend was serious about adopting out the dog. Because frankly, I really want to hang out with my new friend again. 🙂 She did call me to see if I wanted to have brunch with them but I had to try to get some work done. But we have tentative plans for Tuesday before she drives home. I hope I can hand over the dog with her current mom’s blessing. 🙂

And even if it doesn’t work out that way, I think I’ve still made a great connection. She asked me if I know God, and I said indeed I do, and that’s all we said and all she needed to hear.

Perhaps I can finally answer one of my ex-pastor’s many e-mails, asking whether I’ve made “God friends” yet, in the affirmative.

In the meantime, splitting my time between two apartments is exhausting. It’s like having two families and not telling one about the others. I’ve never cheated on anyone in my life (I’ve always been upfront that this relationship wasn’t lasting the night, let alone forever), and after this, I will be HAPPY with just one. Yeesh.

In any case, to have something weird and wonderful coming out of strange and stressful? Hell yeah…