Artificial happy endings make me mad

May 15th, 2011, 11:49 AM by Goddess

Penis Pancake

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

So, I went to see “Something Borrowed” yesterday. Save your money.

Spoiler alert:

As I prepare to turn 36 for the second time (next week! Gaaaahhh), Mother Nature’s gift to me is a hefty dose of “Get offa my lawn,” apparently.

Look, I loved the movie. But I feel dirty and icky just for SAYING that.

It hit close to home, as all the best movies do.

It’s all about two BFFs; one shines and the other busts her butt to get where she is. I was never the prettier of any two sets of friends. Or, if I was, I was always the fatter. And that, by default, makes you the less-attractive one. Even if you don’t believe it yourself (because, let’s face it, you know you have “such a pretty face”), that’s how society treats you.

Confidential to society: “Fuck. You.”

The storyline is simple: Girl wants boy. Boy wants girl. Radiant friend appears. Girl feels like nothing in her presence. Boy goes after radiant friend. Years of pining ensue. Girl becomes radiant friend’s maid of honor at wedding to boy. Hilarity ensues.

I mean, how romantic for old college friends with crushes on each other to still be hot for each other. Lord knows a few of the guys from my college days are still in my life. It would be a cute story if it worked out. But a cute story is unnecessary when building a future.

And so, the part that makes me mad is nothing shy of my own hypocrisy.

The girls should have maintained their friendship and gotten rid of the boy. The end.

But a quick index of my own life shows that I pretty much tossed all female friendships to the wind and dated slept with whomever I damn well pleased.

I miss my friends, by the way.

I always subscribed to the theory that if those lovely couples didn’t work out, the men were fair game. Because when your friends are in relationships, you are right in it with them.

Whether you’re hearing one side talk about the other (and for me, I was always close with both sides), or whether they’re including you as “not a third wheel at ALL,” you are the unnamed entity in a supposed two-person union.

This is why girls drop their friends when they date someone — it’s so much easier to focus on one person without having other people there to witness every move and/or misstep.

So, yeah, I realize I’m an idiot that I wanted the movie to end any way other than the way it did. Everyone ended up happy, which pisses me off in general, because that NEVER happens. 🙂 But all the cheating, lying whores ended up with the person they wanted. And poor little Ethan moved to London and ended up alone.

Ethan = John Krasinski. I would have totally gone for him, by the bye. 😉

Anyhoodle, I was looking for a love story, and I guess I got one. I would just hate to be the girl who got the guy by stealing him nearly off the altar from my BFF. That “cute story” turns pretty foul pretty quickly when you toss in THAT little fact nugget.

I guess I get mad because I want so badly to write books and love stories with the characters who have lived in my head for decades. And I’d really like to write my OWN fairy tale one of these days, only for real. I know there’s no perfect story — it’s always messy and crazy and sometimes painful — but I need the hope that the concept of “meant to be” supersedes all.

But I don’t think you should have to lose anything/anyone in the process … especially those who would be there if your shining knight falls off the horse and your fairy tale ends up as more of a short story than a book.

My life, the science experiment

May 15th, 2011, 10:48 AM by Goddess

Peeps at the beach

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

The pier at the local public beach is about to be torn down to install a casino. Which it used to be, back in the day. And, which, yay, all we need are more tourons polluting my quiet little streets. Woo hoo.

Anyway, this is part of a larger diorama created by one of the residents to commemorate the pier. It makes me love my little area that much more.

I’ve been quarantined with some strain of infectiousness, the likes of which I haven’t endured since last November. Which has been joyous, I say.

I have this one job that I’ve worked at for nearly six weeks now (and no payment in sight), and they’ve had their hair on fire a few times this week — all during “off” hours. My inbox blew up Thursday night and again yesterday (Saturday).

I want to be available and cheerful here, as payment will come soon, and in spades, eventually, for the patient and capable. But it feels rather unfair to be held to deadlines — that I literally sleep through — for NON-URGENT stuff.

So I be workin’ today. It’s not rocket science. I always have fun with it. But I hate feeling like an ass because I knocked myself out cold with some Nyquil and didn’t check my e-mail between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. and missed the boat entirely.

I’m just a little stressed over money and the future of the one project that does pay. I think all is on track, but you never really know. And with the houseguest having located my last possible nerve (I didn’t know I had any left — who knew?), I’m really wondering what I’m doing here.

I got contacted from a freelance job I lasted about a month with. I never even billed for the work I did, as it paid less than the effort to create an invoice. I quit partially because my point of contact was driving me crazy. (A theme in my life, eh?) And they resurfaced to ask me back. Hmm.

Everyone agrees I was clear as crystal about what I was good at and what was outside my comfort zone. And yet my assignments were located squarely OUTSIDE MY COMFORT ZONE.

Is it time to go for another full-time job? One of the “biggies” down here heard of me through a high-powered friend and asked me to interview just for giggles. We haven’t yet scheduled said interview, but I wonder whether I should more-aggressively pursue it. I’m certainly spending more than I’m bringing in. And my work ethic has been wavering for a variety of reasons.

Anyway, it occurred to me the other day as I was “driving Miss Daisy” somewhere, when I called up God and had a few terse statements I needed to make, that perhaps I befriended God a few years back simply to have someone with whom to argue.

I don’t blame Him, but I would love some answers and maybe even some direction, if He’s feeling charitable. The only answers I keep getting back are to be grateful and happy. And I am. I just want to be ecstatic. And rich.

Seriously, I know money doesn’t solve everything, but let ME be the judge of that, OK? Besides, I know I’d give most of that wealth away, anyway. Let me get my MacBook Pro and a newer car, and let me pay rent for a year, and then I can figure out how to un-hinge the houseguest from my hip. And the rest will go to worthy causes around the country.

God, I just want to be the legend I know I can be. Even if not a soul knows my real name. I’m bypassing Santa Claus on this one and coming straight to You. How about a trial period to see how I can do? 🙂