Signs of life. Just not here

July 26th, 2011, 12:33 PM by Goddess

Where I need to live

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

Don’t mind me, I’m just dreaming of the Keys right now. Aaaaahhh.

So, yesterday? Sucked. Everybody who could possibly annoy me did. The e-mail blew up overnight. I did what I could. It was an intense day. There was a LOT left undone.

Today is a day for creativity and catch-up, but it’s always filled with worry and watchfulness of the e-mail box. Especially for the shit that DIDN’T get done yesterday … that I sorta kinda hope will quietly go away. (Did I just say that out loud?)

There are certain people that you can’t pay me enough to deal with. And my feeling is, if there is no pay, I DON’T have to deal with them, right?

Oh, I just wish I were more productive right now. That would solve everything. There’s so much to do and I really don’t want to give up my “island mentality” of “only” working 8 hours a day.

Question of the year: How do you motivate yourself to work harder when your brain doesn’t want to function at all?