Same racket, different business cards

December 21st, 2011, 10:04 PM by Goddess

Christmas at DCA

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

When I took the new job, I was a finalist for another job up near the Canadian border. Yeah … like I was gonna move THERE just in time for winter!

The job sounded lovely though, and I figured whomever got it would be happy there.

So I wrote to some old friends at stupid o’clock this morning because, hey, I was up and thinking about them. One wrote back to me to announce that he’s moving to the middle of the Arctic tundra TO TAKE THAT JOB.

Hah. He’s way more experienced/qualified than me. It might even be a step back for him, although this does show me that it probably pays exceptionally well. Damn it. 😉

Anyway, I used to work with this guy, and I love him to absolute death. He said in his note to me that I’m one of the rare ones that you come across in life … that I’ve always been true to myself and to the people I’ve worked with/befriended.

That warmed my heart. And we’ll probably be able to work together, as we are in similar capacities in the same (oh-so-small) field.

One of his statements is my quote of the day, which is, “You know, you never really leave this racket; you just get new business cards.”

A-freakin’ men.

It’s been a very busy and challenging week at the new job. But I am really feeling like I won Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday. My boss is awesome. My colleagues rock. And there’s a guy who makes it worthwhile to dress up every day, just in case we run into each other. 😉

I’ve been pretty blessed — to say the least. I’ve traveled these roads with some awesome folks. And I’ve picked up one or two more on the new path whom I hope will be with me for the rest of the journey.

Now all I have to do is answer some e-mails from some of my beloveds from throughout the years, and I’d say I’m in the absolute perfect place right now.

My prayers are full of gratitude these days. As they always should have been, I suppose. But I recognize now more than ever that I have a LOT of props to send God’s way. I may not have everything I want, but He’s got my back and is good for the rest. I know that now.