Mission: Impossible. Emphasis: Impossible

January 8th, 2012, 9:02 PM by Goddess

Went to see “Mission Impossible” with a new friend on Friday night. Which was AWESOME.

What I remember most from the night, however, was this actual conversation with the girl who took my ticket at the theater.

Girl: “Mission Impossible”? I would have thought you’d be here to see “New Year’s Eve.”
Me: I already saw it. My man Jon Bon Jovi was in it. I couldn’t pass it up.
Girl: Jon Bon Jovi? (*eyes me up and down*) I would have taken you for a Katherine Heigl fan … or maybe Jessica Biel.
Me: *squick* Well, sure. If Jon Bon Jovi weren’t in it, I would definitely have been ogling them instead.
Girl: I’ll bet you would.

You know, I’ll flirt with anyone. But this one was just creepy from the get-go. Had to give her credit for openly eye-molesting me in public. But, well, yeah. No. Thanks though!


January 8th, 2012, 7:48 AM by Goddess

I could/should have written this blog entry, instead of spinning my wheels, damn near cracking under pressure, escaping into my pretend world where none of the stress exists and otherwise avoiding everybody. Yes, you. And you, too. I’ve been running from you. And I don’t know how to find my way back…

What Happens When You Stop Running?