Mostly winning

October 20th, 2012, 2:24 PM by Goddess

Oh, this day. Good and bad, it’s been one for the record books so far.

I did something charitable this morning, which made me VERY happy to be able to do.

I’m also planning to take some time off in December and I’ve been doing my research for the trip, which involves coordinating with a couple of people in a couple of states. This trip is going to rock and I am booking it as soon as I hear back from one more person.

Of course, then the universe decided to take a crap in my hand. I’ll spare you the gory details but I always tend to stop and have that moment of, “WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER?” when it comes to trying to be a good person, since it usually results in instantly BAD karma. But whatever. As soon as I buy that plane ticket, I have something important to look forward to.

But then again, the good karma prevails. This week, the landlady magically found a package for me that looks like it was delivered A MONTH AGO. (Oh? And grrr…)

It came from Amazon and it was a movie I’d been wanting to buy for a while. And for the past few days I have been scratching my ass, trying to figure out not just when I ordered it … but IF I ordered it.

I know I’m an impulsive (some would say compulsive) person and all. But I genuinely did not recall making this purchase. Which … stumped me but I wasn’t ambitious enough to go check my debit account.

So I finally looked at the receipt today and … it was a gift. A GIFT!

I don’t recognize the name, and there is no return address. I hope it will come to me so I can send a proper thank-you. But for now, if you are a beloved blog reader, I just want to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU for your kindness. *sniffle*

Seriously, I’m sorry it has taken three weeks for me to even obtain this special delivery, and another week to realize I wasn’t the buyer. But this random stroke of generosity arrived at just the right time. *mwah!*

God is good. Life is good. People are good. And I cherish you all for being good to ME.

Heading off to a movie shortly and looking forward to some good company even if it isn’t a movie I’d normally want to see. (I prefer chick flicks, what can I say?) And I realized that I have a free movie ticket that I got from donating blood, so even if the movie doesn’t agree with me, nobody had to pay for it.

So, I am mostly winning today, and documenting it for all those OTHER days so that I can remember that good things really do happen … and on a day like today, they happen all at once.