I just had a couple of days of leaving at a reasonable hour and actually DOING STUFF after work that didn’t just involve shoveling in dinner and falling asleep on the couch immediately afterward.
That ends today. For now. Again.
TG sent me a writeup from a public figure he trusts who said that today (3.13.13) is a magical day … a day to “release situations or people who no longer serve you.”
I wanted to ask him when he’s planning to offload Heidi-Hoebag, a la the Hot Mess of the Midwest. But I presume that like usual when I tell him he deserves SO MUCH BETTER THAN HE’S WILLING TO SETTLE FOR, he somehow misses that I mean her hot-mess ass.
I have never hated anyone so much, save for a psychotic ex-friend and a few thousand colleagues, as her. I hope her dumb cunt ass realizes how lucky she is. Because no matter how far in life I manage to progress, I can never seem to forget how that (perceived, of course, but still not proven otherwise) piece of shit somehow got everything I ever wanted.