I haven’t said much about the whole gay marriage thing because, frankly, I’ve been a proud fag hag for 20-odd years and I was even a bridesmaid at a beautiful commitment ceremony several years ago. I don’t have to shout from the rooftops because I live my support every single day.
It’s not like I’ve found love. And I’m sorry to say I’m starting to lose my faith in it happening for me. So if some people who do genuinely love each other and want the piece of paper (and all the spousal benefits in the eyes of the government), it’s not like denying it to anyone else will make my own Prince Charming appear.
And here’s the thing. Maybe I need to hang out with new people (oh, wait, YES I DO), but everybody — and I mean everybody — is either cheating on their spouse, and/or cheating WITH someone else’s spouse.
Look, I’m not innocent in this game. But I try to stay out of it. Or, at least, not get sucked back IN to it. Too often, anyway.
So anyone who has an opinion on the sanctity of “traditional” marriage other than “not my business” had probably pull their dick (or strap-on) out of a hole it doesn’t belong in before they choose to voice said opinion.
Because from where I sit, the only traditional marriages I see do involve two men or two women … and a third party. And that’s why I thank God that maybe he’s spared me of being with a lying, cheating whore … or having the temptation to become one myself.