Glamorous life

April 11th, 2013, 8:37 AM by Goddess

A friend said to me the other day, very wisely:

“You do realize you are KILLING YOURSELF to essentially spend half your take-home pay on rent, yes?”

Well, when you put it THAT way, no wonder I’m stressed!

I got to thinking about my time at the Crack Den. I never understood why the co-founders put up with all the shit they did, for as long as they did. But I realize now that they had partnership deals. That is, there would be a financial payoff for the terror and torture. Golden handcuffs, if you will.

I’m back at a startup now, and I was thinking, I work just as hard as someone who would be in line for an ownership stake. Harder, when you think about it. Because that’s just me.

I’m wondering how I can get an ownership stake. Either that or ease up on the pressure and go make time for hobbies and simple pleasures.

I’m willing to work my ass off to get rich. But I haven’t ever seen the get-rich part and I’m beginning to think I never will. So maybe it’s time to think about less stress, more pleasure instead of more stress, more money (someday) as my plan.