I’ll be (working from home) this Christmas

December 26th, 2013, 2:19 PM by Goddess

So today was to be my first vacation day of the year.

I’m starting Hour 8 and it’s barely past 2 p.m.

I’ll be (working from home) this Christmas. And from Pennsylvania, apparently, too. Squee.

My whole department aspired to take today off. And my instant messenger is a sea of “idle” and “out of office” messages except from my crew. So, I can’t complain too much. I guess.

I’m just ready to ram a Festivus pole in a few directions of those who didn’t miss a lunch hour or a chance to leave early or a minute of vacation even though they knew I was counting on them for something.

I get how some people “get theirs.” They want a bonus and a reward and a raise, but they don’t put forth enough effort for it. And they whine that they are so unfortunate and they deserved so much more.

Meanwhile some of us go without taking care of ourselves for the benefit of the greater good.

I tried really fucking hard this year so I have zero sympathy for everyone who didn’t.

Congratulations to those who “got theirs.” Mine is still coming and it will be a hundred times better. And I’m going to enjoy it more than any of the others ever could.

Dark souls

December 26th, 2013, 7:02 AM by Goddess

I dragged my heathen ass back to church for Christmas Eve. It was … powerful.

Mom and I do brunch on Sundays now. And while it works (no more fighting over where we can both eat in heavenly peace), I miss God. Especially since I don’t much seek Him out other than when I’m having a panic attack in the car. Which, admittedly, is often.

Pastor John left my church about a year and a half ago. I was glad. I used to love him but he got on some weird kick that started creeping me out and he never came back from it. Like, over-the-top beating us over the head with his view of the world.

He went back to Texas (good riddance) and another guy took over temporarily. I liked the temporary guy, but I knew his time was limited till they hired the new pastor. And I admit I didn’t like the new pastor when he took over.


I love the new pastor. LOVE.

He spoke to my heart. There was no one else in the room last night as he told me how Christ didn’t just come to save the world — He came to save ME. He knew I’d be in that room, in that life, in that skin, in that situation at that very moment. He knew I’d need Him and He’d be there for me.

Well, the pastor told ALL of us that. But, it is all about me, isn’t it?

He spoke of “dark souls” — how he’s ceased to be perfect since he took about his fifth breath of life and how he’s not going to be perfect.

And for the dark souls like him, God isn’t waiting till we catch up on our work to-do list or get a relationship right or untangle our finances to love us.

So, basically don’t wait to love yourself, either. That’s the message. You will have perfect, eternal life one day with your king. For now, do your best and love one another and just be good.

That, I can handle.

I felt like Pastor John started inserting himself between God and me. I’m sure that wasn’t the case but that’s how I felt. Last night, I felt like the new guy let me shake God’s hand and politely stepped aside to let us connect again.

I’m not sure where I go in my faith journey here. I asked for “faith friends,” as my old pastor from Maryland always wishes I’d find. I think that’s the best resolution I can make for next year.

In addition to washing off my makeup nightly and flirting more (with the right people, let’s be clear), of course …

My dark soul is suddenly bursting with light this Christmas Day …

As I read somewhere else, the baby came in a dirty manger to young and confused parents. You don’t stop miracles or plan for them to arrive in perfect time. They just come, whenever and wherever and at any time and under any circumstance.

I’m ready to receive my miracles now. I guess I always was. But now I know …