Some days it isn’t even worth scrubbing your butt, I tell you

June 30th, 2014, 2:48 PM by Goddess

To “cap” off a banner day, I just swallowed the temporary cap on my tooth. Dentist tomorrow.

Oh, the joy of losing time during a holiday-shortened week.

Speaking of losing time today, I lost the whole morning due to [comment redacted before I even typed it].

Now, whether to bother Googling what could happen after swallowing a hunk of cement …

Ever notice

June 30th, 2014, 10:00 AM by Goddess

That almost all of your problems (and I am using “your” in the plural sense, as in “our”) can generally be traced back to one source? Who cannot be arsed to fix any of them because they believe they cannot gain anything by it? Hypothetically speaking, natch.


The devil you know

June 30th, 2014, 7:11 AM by Goddess

Relevant: The 4 Reasons You’re Unmotivated (And the Antidote for Each)

Why are we so afraid that being on the verge of a breakthrough could just as easily end in a breakdown as a break out?