Welcome back my friends to the (shit) show that never ends

June 3rd, 2014, 5:43 PM by Goddess

I have so much rage in my heart, I Cannot. Even.

Not sure which pain is worse

June 3rd, 2014, 10:24 AM by Goddess

Canceled an appointment with my doc who deals with my auto-immune disorder so I could make a dentist appointment to deal with my cracked tooth.

Am I at the dentist? NOPE.

Instead I’m at work hearing all about the stuff I never managed to get done, or done right, in my oversized weeks.

Why 94% of white collar workers hate their jobs

June 2nd, 2014, 10:20 PM by Goddess

Just 94%?


June 2nd, 2014, 4:40 PM by Goddess

That’s how many things I screwed up today. Well, not ALL today, but things I discovered from the past couple of weeks including today.

Nothing was fatal, by any means. Everything has a solution.

The problem is, I can point to 10 out of those 11 and recall receiving a visit, an IM, a THIS NON-CRISIS IS A CRISIS NOW GO FIX IT or otherwise a “Hey I know your IM status says you’re busy but what time would you like to meet three Thursdays from now?”

Unfortunately, that problem does NOT have a solution.

I was thinking maybe I need to get out of this field altogether when one of my frienemies at work said she’s going through the same thing — getting interrupted to solve a crisis when you were already solving another crisis.

I genuinely don’t have another “crisis” left in me. I don’t think any of us do. All full for 2014 — see you next year!

I picked up my car from my mechanic a few minutes ago and asked if he likes his job. He says he LOVES it. He doesn’t fix cars but he digs running the business and working with great mechanics and having cool customers and being able to feel good about the work his team does.

My mouth hit the floor. I haven’t heard anyone that excited about their job since, well, EVER.

Or maybe that was just my cracked tooth hitting the floor since, while dealing with everyone else’s crises, I failed to be able to address my own.

I didn’t solve anybody else’s either. Go figure. And I have about four more to go before it’s all said and done tonight.

Anyone interested in corporate culture, here’s how not to build it

June 2nd, 2014, 12:49 PM by Goddess

This explains my auto-immune disorder.

And my pudgy pork roast butt.

And my stress/anxiety/chronic feeling of doom.

And the fact that nobody wants the job I am offering.

6 Ways to Save Your Life … and Your Company’s

’40: Ain’t Missin’ Shit’ now in progress

June 1st, 2014, 10:54 PM by Goddess

The only thing that got me through the week-long funk leading up to my 40th birthday last weekend was my promise to myself to stop missing out on life.

Tonight I went to see Zac Brown Band. I’m not even a huge fan but it was just Something, you know?

I figured I needed something after last week when I broke a tooth and the A/C went kaplooey in the car. I will get those things fixed this week.

Anyway, I have Big Plans this year to have fun. I recognize that the more I step out and want to do things, the more obstacles come my way. But I’ve had enough boring to last me 10 lifetimes.

And I have a funny feeling I’m about to get what I asked for. And more …