
November 16th, 2014, 8:39 PM by Goddess

Turned out to be a good weekend after all.

Friday night’s bonfire wasn’t wondrous thanks to my attitude. But I spent Saturday in Miami and Saturday night experiencing “snow” Florida-style (and I was relieved of babysitting duties Saturday night). And boy did that help.

Sunday … ah Sunday. 🙂

Babysitting resumed later in the day and Mom caught me rapid-fire texting with a devilish grin and rosy red cheeks. She said, “Jeez, can’t I at least get a Sunday without you being on the phone?”

I said you got the last eight years of my life. You got every Saturday. Every Sunday. Every week. Every DAY save for three outings I managed to have in the last three-quarters of a decade. So, put a cork in it, lady.

She didn’t mean to be mean, and neither did I. But when you think about it, everything I do is for *us* — whether it’s to bring in money or to keep the peace or to keep her happy and as alive as I can.

The keeping ME alive portion of our program is usually missing. And for one shining moment in history, right now it isn’t. And I need everyone — EVERYONE — to be OK with that. Most of all, me.