Let me tell you about this day, redux

November 17th, 2014, 5:49 PM by Goddess

Notwithstanding my earlier entry and the men who made it possible, but I’ve spent the last two hours exploiting the Buddha of Boca, the Oracle of Wisconsin and the Sage of San Diego’s contempt for each other and turning it into comedy gold.

I really should found an adoption agency for demon children.

Let me tell you about my day

November 17th, 2014, 12:44 PM by Goddess

1. Was up at 5 a.m. finishing today’s e-zine.

2. Moved on to the regular morning projects at 7 a.m.

3. Conference call / commute at 8:30 a.m.

4. 9 a.m. dentist.

5. 10 a.m. conference call.

Note that I am missing for less than an hour, between items 4 and 5.


A.) Editor who knows better sends wrong and half-assed copy.

B.) The kid knows enough to know that the copy is wrong and half-assed and seeks clarification from editor. (GOOD)

C.) Editor says go with it. Editor does not realize copy was wrong and half-assed.

D.) Kid asks me in front of 10 other people on the call if he should proceed with half-assed alert. I say yes and we can always publish a clarification.

E.) You just KNOW I cursed myself into having to write/publish a clarification, right?

F.) I see wrong and half-assed copy that has now gone LIVE and I say to editor, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

G.) Editor sends revised copy three times, which I do not receive because of profanity and spam filter.

H.) I rewrite copy and test it out.

I.) I find big FUCKING mistake in original copy too. On top of its incoherence.

J.) I make MAGIC, people.

K.) Editor says hey, my e-mails are bouncing back.

L.) Tech sends me the trapped e-mails. Which weren’t as good as the copy I wrote anyway.

M.) I instill terror in all parties involved.

N.) I also inflict terror on others.

O.) And I now have a formal policy in place for MAKING SURE THIS SHIT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

First one to ask me where something is that I haven’t finished in the past eight months can feel free to wander off an open drawbridge right about now.

Actually I am happy. People only learn in crisis. Here it is, bitches.

If I could have done anything different, I wish I would have told the kid to contact my friendly not-sidekick. They would have figured it out together.

Alas, I got the chance to save the day. And THAT, my friends, is about the only thing I am good at. Well, beyond occasionally messing it up in the first place!

Oh hey this NEVER happens! *hork*

November 17th, 2014, 7:35 AM by Goddess

That moment when you’ve worked Sunday night and got up early Monday to work more and you still probably have to move your dentist appointment that starts at 9:15 because A) still busy/what health? and B) could you honestly count on this money-hungry dentist to fix your broken toof in the hour (and only one hour) you have to spare without trying to upsell you all the while?


November 16th, 2014, 8:39 PM by Goddess

Turned out to be a good weekend after all.

Friday night’s bonfire wasn’t wondrous thanks to my attitude. But I spent Saturday in Miami and Saturday night experiencing “snow” Florida-style (and I was relieved of babysitting duties Saturday night). And boy did that help.

Sunday … ah Sunday. 🙂

Babysitting resumed later in the day and Mom caught me rapid-fire texting with a devilish grin and rosy red cheeks. She said, “Jeez, can’t I at least get a Sunday without you being on the phone?”

I said you got the last eight years of my life. You got every Saturday. Every Sunday. Every week. Every DAY save for three outings I managed to have in the last three-quarters of a decade. So, put a cork in it, lady.

She didn’t mean to be mean, and neither did I. But when you think about it, everything I do is for *us* — whether it’s to bring in money or to keep the peace or to keep her happy and as alive as I can.

The keeping ME alive portion of our program is usually missing. And for one shining moment in history, right now it isn’t. And I need everyone — EVERYONE — to be OK with that. Most of all, me.

Rolling in the deep

November 15th, 2014, 9:04 AM by Goddess

I got to do something last night I’ve waited all year to do.

And I was surly and miserable and did not make a single attempt to enjoy myself.

In fact, I had my resting bitchy face on all night.

I was just resentful. Normally I am grateful for what I have, happy things aren’t worse and as at-peace as I can be with The Way Things Are.

And last night I was like, well I could be dead at any moment. How has revolving my schedule, my life, my money, my FEELINGS around everyone but myself benefited me?

I had another irritated moment not too long ago during some trip-planning and realized I couldn’t do something that would have been fun. Not for the usual lack of time or money, too.

I realized in a bigger way that my schedule wasn’t exactly my own.

And it never is.

Sure there are ways to reclaim pockets of my schedule. But it’s a dance. And my toes, if they aren’t getting squashed, well I end up stepping on myself just to keep from feeling like I could actually take the lead.

And while I know to be grateful for the time off (which, I just lost eight weeks of vacation. Throw a parade for those two days I’ll be off but on call), and for the money and ability to be able to do it, I know that there’s never a guarantee of a next time.

There is no “I’ll get to do it again” in my world. Then you get a hard job and inherit a dependent and people move away and feelings change and places close and souvenirs break and jobs get lost and people die and you’re so fucked up in the brain you don’t have any memory of who it is you actually were.

So, yeah. My life isn’t my own. And instead of being happy when it mercifully ends, I would rather die being happy with the way it went. And today I don’t know if I could say that.

Feel-good time

November 14th, 2014, 9:47 AM by Goddess

Every year when I lose all my vacation time, I get exhausted.

It’s been a slow-ish week or two which means that not everything has been on fire.

By others’ standards, my weeks are still plenty busy. And long.

But by mine, they are as close to vacation as I get.

I’ve been spending every waking minute training my person. And untraining. And retraining. And retraining some more.

And even though I got stabby as recently as yesterday, I’m committed to this. I don’t need him to learn everything. I just need him to learn enough at this point. And that goal is coming closer.

I got to spend an hour last night talking to my favorite person. And I realize, THIS is what life is all about. SCHEDULING FEEL-GOOD TIME.

I figure, for all the years of my life I’ve lost to the career tsunami (and all its aftermath) of the last 10 years, I deserve that hour. I deserve to not have my ass on fire all day, every day, both before everyone else gets to the office and then again long after they’ve all left.

I deserve more than that hour. I deserve about two years’ worth of lost days off.

So yeah I’m stressed out about projects people need from me right now. It’s not that I don’t have time to do them. I just don’t have the brain. Or heart.

But at least, with an hour of fun time here and there, I have a shot in hell of growing that heart back.

‘I can be there in five. One more one last time’

November 13th, 2014, 5:16 PM by Goddess

“That taste, that touch, the fire I miss
Those ‘kiss-me’ eyes, your red wine lips on mine
Like it used to be,
Baby, I want you, and you want me.”

Blake Shelton, “Lonely Tonight”

That weird moment that you know it’s going to end. When, you don’t know. But you know it’s there.

And whether it ends simply in its present form or for good, you really don’t know. Or want to.

I mean, the ending could become something bigger too — it could be the end of a chapter and the beginning of the new one.

But holding your breath isn’t something you’re particularly good at, even though blue is a spectacular color on you.

And you try very hard not to wonder. And even succeed, for the most part.

The one thing I don’t get is, no matter whose choice it is to leave, how anybody can let me walk away.


November 12th, 2014, 12:39 PM by Goddess

Whenever anybody asks me about “the hot guy” I dated, I die a little. But now, I’ve finally gotten brave enough to tell the story.

My friend asked me about my love life this past Friday night. Since I couldn’t talk about what’s going on right now — because I embargo information in real-life and not just on the blog — I could talk freely about Hot Guy and his ridiculous love for a married ex-girlfriend.

I don’t get how people — men — wait around and cater to women who don’t want them. And judging by the way I WITNESSED her treating him, I think if he said to her, “You know? This isn’t working,” I honestly believe she would have said, “OH THANK GOD. I agree.”

Somewhat related, I got to thinking about one of my good girlfriends, who simply e-mailed her now-ex that, yeah, it’s time for us to get a divorce.

He wrote back to say, yeah, I’ll move out at the end of the month. Good idea.

There was nobody else waiting in that situation. Which made it so freaking commendable, I just cannot even articulate it.

And even with Hot Boy, I lost interest and wouldn’t date him now even if he said he had gotten his pretty-boy head on straight when it came to her.

Or me.

I hope he found his happiness. Or finds it eventually.

And I will try not to wonder about mine.

“I hope she’s everything you need and dream about
Don’t let what we had hit you on your easy way out
When you lay down with her tonight, we’ll see who loses sleep
What’s it like to love her and to lose me?”

Heidi Newfield, “Love Her And Lose Me”


November 11th, 2014, 9:49 PM by Goddess

Between cracking a tooth on the pizza I got for dinner tonight, and getting a call that my long-lost cousin who finally returned to the radar just up and died, I’m going to say this night can feel free to end soon.

You can’t make old friends

November 11th, 2014, 2:56 PM by Goddess

I forget which of my boys said I’d be an excellent mother. Probably because I started singing “You Oughta Know” and promptly forgot about it.

In any event, I took the kids to the Veterans Day parade and out for Taco Tuesday. And I didn’t drink. Which I do think makes me deserve some sort of “Mother of the Year” award.

At lunch, my two favoritest people in the industry (both from different states, and both who employed me at different times in my illustrious career) ran up to greet me. The kids are like, is there anyone you DON’T know in this business?

That made me happy. As will the drinks on my calendar for later with my cherished friends …