Aim low, sweet chariot

December 4th, 2014, 8:00 PM by Goddess

8 p.m. Still at work. Watched the town Christmas tree lighting ceremony from our balcony. Wishing I were frolicking among the crowd instead of working.

Worked the weekend and I’m still in a crisis state. Just did all I could and am waiting on the kid.

I yelled at him yesterday. He asked if he should do something. I said no because it would fuck up our e-commerce.

He did it anyway. I’m talking boneheaded mistake. I raged. Like asked on what planet he thought that would be a good idea. That I needed to hear that answer.

I didn’t think he’d come back today. I may have been hopeful about that.

It’s better today. He tries. Nobody tries harder. I just don’t get why repetition doesn’t work.

I leave for my “vacation” on this day next week. I am disappointed that he can’t cover me. But maybe I’ll have time for a glass of wine with my favorite person and that will justify the trip.

Ok I hope more than a glass of wine is all I get to enjoy. But aiming high didn’t get me anywhere.


Little Miss

December 4th, 2014, 1:05 PM by Goddess

Ever tap into your inner bitch psychic and see where your life is going to be in three to six months? I’m feeling a “Violets are Blue” and “Prince of Tides” and “How to Make an American Quilt” mashup.

Unrelated, funny to hear from someone you have been missing and you can tell they’ve been missing you too.

Also unrelated, why do you take the chance on the people you take chances on? Like, why didn’t you run away like you usually do in one instance, or why did you run away from someone else only to look back and miss them? (See previous item.)

And why is life always about missing someone … not the least of which is yourself?

Related: Weekend plans just went up in smoke. Ergo not giving me any time to miss a certain someone. And I really, really need that time. Really.