What an utter shitpile of a day.

January 26th, 2015, 8:43 PM by Goddess

For lack of being able to say what spun me into a dimension of doom I haven’t experienced since the month before I left D.C., I will say that going 12 rounds with the kid did me in the afternoon when I told him I had a “hard out” to go apartment-hunting really pissed me off.

Seriously, between people throwing me under a bus and retracting it privately, being accused of near treason because of it, and someone who doesn’t follow the instructions after being given them seven times in a row … Not to mention hating the apartment and coming home and almost falling at mine because the exterior lights are off for the third night in a row and everything is draped in black plastic so I can’t see … I’m really going to try hard to want to get out of bed tomorrow.

But no promises.


I love a challenge, but …

January 26th, 2015, 3:27 PM by Goddess

I have a funny feeling that completing my newest, biggest task to date is either going to land me in the unemployment line or the loony bin.

I stand a better chance of controlling a zombie attack than seeing this through to a successful completion.

In any event, I don’t know that loyalty and hard work and sacrificing your time/soul is what gets you ahead. However, it sure does elevate your blood pressure.

My goal in life (at least during 12-ish hours each day) is to produce actionable content. Sometimes the only action it inspires is to make me want to throw myself off a bridge.

I could use some help around here …