Throat-Punch Thursday continues

April 23rd, 2015, 2:52 PM by Goddess

Somebunny continues to inspire awe. And not in a good way.

Honest to God, I can’t fabricate the stories I want so badly to tell.

But they are safe.

They will probably outlast me.

They suck.

Meanwhile those on the outbound train just sent me more to do.

Another late night.

And no one to share it with.

I’m losing IQ points just thinking about it

April 23rd, 2015, 6:52 AM by Goddess

Can’t wait to see what Somebunny has in store for me today.

I am starting to worry that I’m going to become violent.

Somebunny may put Throat-Punch Thursday to good use after all.

I can’t wait till I can write about it.

Lord please let it be sooner rather than later.