
September 13th, 2015, 7:17 PM by Goddess

I got to thinking about the baby shower I missed out on.

When I last met my fambly in Orlando in December, I worked the whole time.

Sure, I joined them for dinner twice, and spent a couple hours at the pool with them. But other than that, when they went to bed/awakened/came back from wherever, I was on my laptop working.

Maybe they just figured I’d be working the whole damn time up there anyway. Perhaps they didn’t want to inconvenience me by making me feel obligated to buy a plane ticket/hotel stay/gift just to attend a two-hour party in Pennsylvania.

I don’t know. I’ll never know. And what I do know is that they are too nice to say otherwise.

Maybe I should send them a thank-you card.

Justice in the afterlife 

September 13th, 2015, 9:46 AM by Goddess

In shocking news, the little brats upstairs are killing each other and dragging furniture across the floor, and Thundercunt is hollering. 

I got to thinking Hitler would have thrown parties in the Jews’ honor if he met these jagoffs. Can’t wait till they all meet in hell. His true punishment will be having my neighbors in the concentric circle above him. 

Now to witness karma biting the ass of the realtor who lived here who duped me into taking this dump …