The highlight of last night ended up being Thundercunt punching Big Giant Pussy out in the hallway for everyone to see and hear.
That and an awesome Democratic primary debate.
You can tell they must be illiterate upstairs if they are too busy fighting to, I dunno, gather information on the possible future leader(s) of the country. (I smell a Hillary/O’Malley ticket, although I did finally feel the Bern for the first time last night.)
Unrelated, I heard a secondhand hello from an old travel buddy from Ye Olde Employment Establishment.
I noticed two fellow former minion types got to attend an event in an exotic place. At first it surprised me that the usual suspects gave up their spot so others could enjoy it. But then I realized, that’s just the culture of that place.
Years ago, my boss surprised me by sending me to Aspen. My then-boss is a very avid skier. So to send my afraid-of-everything, klutzy ass, was … perplexing.
He said he wanted to but he felt like I could use some bonding time with the speakers at the event.
I loved it.
I’ve always had the travel bug, but that’s when it bit me hard. And my restless soul has never been the same since.
So, when I heard that two people like me — one of whom I used to travel with at least four times a year — got to sit at the big kids’ table, I felt a little twinge of happiness.
I mean, most of us are gone from there. At least, most of the good ones, including my old boss. But I love, love, love that the culture he helped to build has stayed intact … and even the little guys get a shot at sharing the perks.
Amazing, that.