Life as I know it

January 20th, 2016, 7:42 PM by Goddess

The friends I had in Pittsburgh when I left were some of the best I’ve ever had. 

It’s interesting how none of us have kids. Ain’t nobody got time for that. 

I realize they are all with the people they were dating when I left. I also find that interesting. 

Not so much here. The only constant in my life is mom. 

I think I am the lucky one …


I used to laugh …

January 20th, 2016, 9:15 AM by Goddess

… At all the people bundled up in sweaters, hoodies, scarves, hats, gloves and flip-flops in Starbucks when it was 60 degrees out. 

Now I am one of them. Because I don’t own any socks to wear with my one pair of boots. 

Oh, and brr …